A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.



Malachiyah 3

1    Yahovah declares; O Malachiyah send forth this message.

2    Seek the angel of the covenant (Yahshua) before the sudden arrival of the day of Moloch (Apollyon) when he enters and
      defiles my temple. I shall send my anointed (Gabriyahel) to turn the minds of humanity on to the path of truth.

3    Who shall endure the day of fire (Gabriyahel)? Who shall escape the Purifier? Who shall enter the place of safety? Those
      who are cleansed of sin and who are anointed.

4    The Purifier shall cleanse the inhabitants of the world like silver is refined in a furnace. He shall purify the Levites from their
      pursuit of silver and gold.

5    O righteous ones, worship Yahovah and give her tribute through your offerings.

6    May Yehudah and Yahrusalem offer that which is acceptable and pleasing. May they worship Yahovah as they did in the
      beginning and may it be so forever.

7    Yahovah of hosts declares; where is my reverence? The offerings I desire are for you to support the fatherless and the widows.
      To use proper judgment and uphold justice. To keep the oaths that you make towards me. And by not oppressing the foreigners
      and immigrants. And by not lying or being a false witness against the innocent.

8    Yahovah of hosts declares; repent and keep the laws of Torah. Repent and return unto Abiyah, the God of Yahkov (Jacob).

9    Yahovah declares; if I am your God why have you robbed me? For you have robbed me of my tithes and offerings.

10  If you withhold them from me then I will curse you with rejection. And the nations shall make prey of you.

11  Yahovah of hosts declares; if you honor me with your tithes and offerings. I will open up the treasury of my house and empty
      out a blessing upon you from above.

12  Yahovah of hosts declares; if you do not revere me then the insects will devour the fruits of your fields and the beasts shall
      devour the fruits of the womb.

13  Yahovah of hosts declares; if you do not revere me then the nations shall take your blessings. They will seize your land and
      the delights of your eyes.

14  Yahovah declares; if you still do not revere me. Then they will take your strength and your courage. You will speak with a
      stammer and stutter your words.

15  Yahovah of hosts declares; emptiness shall grip you from within as you are forced to worship the Elowahh. And your desires
      shall be left unfulfilled.

16  Your blessings shall belong to the arrogant. What you have established the wicked shall consume. And you will not escape
      the power of the Elowahh.

17  Yahovah of hosts declares; hear and obey the words of my servants the prophets. Be attentive to my ways and revere me.

18  Yahovah declares; show me reverence by accepting my written words that have been recorded in a book

19  Yahovah of hosts declares; serve me and I will treasure you. I will take pity upon you and show your descendants my

20  Repent and do that which makes one righteous. Separate yourselves from the wicked and serve not the Elowahh.