A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.



Malachiyah 2

1    Yahovah of hosts says; hear and obey the angelic messenger (Malachiyah) who I have sent to you and to be always mindful
       to honor him.

2    For I rebuke the offspring of uncleanliness and curse those who desecrate my feasts by nullifying them.

3    Yahovah of hosts declares; I shall divorce and send away those who break my commandments and desecrate my covenant.

4    Those that give me reverence and are loyal shall be rewarded with the covenant of life and so that they shall be full of eternal        peace.

5    Revere me by seeking the truth in the great law of the Torah. Walk in equality and peace and evil shall depart from you.

6    Yahovah of hosts says; search the laws of Torah and observe its knowledge.

7    Yahovah of hosts says; the children of Leviyah have stumbled and lost their way.

8    They have corrupted the laws of my great Torah and the covenant I made with them.

9    So observe my laws (Torah) with humility which I have given to the people.

10  Yahovah declares; in the beginning Yahh the Father created both of us for we were sisters. In the beginning you created
       treachery and with it you corrupted both the Elowahh and humanity. And with it you desecrated the marriage covenant
       with Yahh the Father.

11  And with treachery you caused abomination among the people of Yehudah and Yahisrael. You seduced the priesthood of        Yahrusalem with the immoral prophetesses of Baal. You polluted their sanctity (qodesh) through the love of Baal.

12  Yahovah of hosts declares; remove those among the children of Yahkov (Jacob) who do not worship before or bring an
       offering to the tabernacle of Yahovah.

13  Time after time you have offered your tears of repentance upon the altar. But soon by the power of Yahh your crying shall be
       turned into weeping.

14  Yahovah says; for you have dealt treacherously with the marriage covenant you made as a wife.

15  You were first but in the end you will be last. You were the first to bring forth angelic children called the Elowahh. But they
       did not guard themselves from the treachery of your spirit.

16  Yahovah of hosts says; she hates me and seeks my demise. One day Yahh of the Elohiym shall divorce her and send her away.

17  Yahovah says; guard yourselves from the influence of Ra’s spirit. For she has dealt treacherously with the children of Yahisrael.
      She has concealed her violence against them by stealth.

18  The words of Yahovah came to me and she said, use proper judgment in all that you do and say. For this pleases Yahovah
       and will make you acceptable to her.