1 I Isaiah, son of the Prophet Amos received a vision concerning Babylon.
2 I heard the voice of the “Invisible One” resonating like a trumpet blast. And he said, O Royal One! I strip you of thy rank and
authority from my sacred mountain. I command the one who guards the heavenly gates to evict you from my left hand and all
who side with you from my sacred mountain.
3 Your haughtiness has caused you to become unsanctified. You have broken your marriage vows. The illumination of your
power is waning and your jubilant personality shall cease.
4 Upon the sacred mount the voice of Yahh is heard and the hosts of heaven sounded the alarm with trumpets. Then war broke
out among the heavenly hosts and many were expelled.
5 And on earth the kingdoms of the Goyim clashed among themselves from one end to another. Then Yahovah sent forth her
instrument of war to punish those on earth.
6 The coming of the day of Yahovah shall bring fiery destruction.
7 To purify mortals in both the intents of the mind and the works of the hands.
8 For terror has gripped humanity because everyone preys upon each other. But soon their faces shall be astonished when
they see the appearance of the messenger of fire.
9 The sinners of the world shall be horrified at the coming of Yahovah’s anointed one. The fierceness of his wrath shall be
turned upon the haughty.
10 The stars of heaven shall fall and be moved out of place. The constellation of Orion shall be no more. The light of the sun
shall be blocked by the moon.
11 For the executioner of retribution has descended upon the wicked of Ra’s world. He shall silence the haughty who are full
of arrogant ignorance and who live by egotistical pride.
12 He shall purify mortals through turning the worthless to ashes. Those few who remain shall be as precious as the gold of Ophir.
13 The coming of the day of Yahovah is of wrathful retribution. To shake loose the heavens and the earth of those who are
impure and to punish with fire those in authority.
14 Assemble the armies allow no one to escape.
15 The arrows of fire shall pierce their armor of invincibility.
16 The house of the “Queen Cherub” shall be shattered.
17 Nor for silver or gold shall the anointed one and the Medes change their minds.
18 The arrows of their archers shall not miss their target. They shall not exterminate their offspring but shall take pity upon
the young.
19 The wisdom of the royal house shall be overthrown and its glorious members consumed by fire.
20 Everlasting darkness shall be their legacy.
21 From generation to generation it shall be ask. What happened to the unstable house of the Elowahh? And the houses of
the wild beasts?
22 For all shall delight in the Temple of the Elohiym where no Jackal or wolf, owl or goat and dragon dwells.