A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


"The Foundation of Knowlegde"

Scriptures are a foundation of revealed knowledge. The Bible is the main source of scriptures. There are other ancient sources that exist outside of the Bible which are also included. The Bible as it is known today is not a complete document. It has been mistranslated in many different places. It was altered to fit an agenda so that it would agree with the elaborated pagan philosophies that dominated the ancient world. This is clearly evident in the original language when it is compared to the translations in circulation today.

Ro 3:2             The descendents of Judah (Jewish Israelites) have been entrusted with the very words of Yahovah*God.

Amos4:13       Yahovah*God reveals her thoughts to mankind.

2Ti 3:16           All books pertaining to scriptures is inspired by Yahovah*God as evidence for the teaching of doctrines.

Isa 40:8           The words of Yahovah*God in scriptures stands (endures) forever.

Mt 24:35          The words of Yahshua the Messiah will never be erased. Also Lk 21:33

Ro 15:4            Everything that was written in the past was for our instruction and encouragement.

2Ti 3:15           The sacred scriptures are able to make one wise for salvation (eternal life) through faith (acceptance).

Pr 30:5-6         Every word of Yahovah*God is flawless. Hebrew translation says-Do not change the words of Yahovah into a lie or you will be                          rebuked through judgment.

Ps 12:6            The words of Yahovah are qodesh (sacred and clean) and refined by fire which is purified seven times.

Jn 6:63             Scripture is words spoken through the Sacred Spirit, they bring life (eternal).

1Co 2:7            In scriptures are secret hiden wisdoms from Yahovah*God.

Pr 25:2              It is the glory of Yahovah*God to conceal a matter. It is her right to with hold knowledge from those who are evil and corrupt.

Isa 29:11          Scriptures is a sealed book. Understanding is only bestowed on the very few.

Ps 40:12          The sins of humanity has overtaken their ability to see (comprehend scriptures).

Lk 10:21          Yahh the Father has hidden the ability to comprehend from the institutionally educated.

1Jn 5:9             Yahovah*God's testimony (knowledge) is greater than humanities.

Mt 15:6             You can not nullify the words of Yahovah*God to justify the traditions of mankind. These traditions are in the Talmud and in the                           writings of the Christian faith. Both religions have altered the truth. Also Mk 7:13

Isa 8:20             If someone does not speak according to the words of scriptures, they have no light (lack comprehension). These are the ones                            who have mistranslated scriptures.

Ps 49:12-13     Like beast that perish are the fate of those who trust in themselves (self worship) and of their followers (cult leader                            worshippers), who approve of their sayings (lies).

Mt19:11            Not everyone can accept the true words of scriptures but only those to whom it has been given.

Lk 8:10             The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of Yahovah*God has been given to the chosen few but to everyone else parables.

Jer 6:10
           Scriptures are offensive to those who find no pleasure in reading them.

Jn 8:32             The truth in scriptures shall make you free.

2Ti 2:9              The words of Yahovah*God cannot be chained (controlled through the lies of mistranslations).

2Ti 2:15            The words of scriptures must be correctly handled. Do your best to present yourselves to Yahovah*God as one approved,
                           a laborer who does not need to be ashamed (naked) and who correctly handles the word of truth.

Isa 28:10, 13    The words of Yahhovah*God is word upon word, line upon line, a little here, a little there. It is basically a riddle that needs
                           to be solved.

1Th 5:21-22      Prove all things through testing and hold on to that which is correct and righteous. Avoid every kind of evil (especially the                            fabrications of those who lie).

Pr 3:5                 Lean (rely) not on your own understanding (instilled falsehoods).

Jer 10:23           A persons life is not their own, it is not for humanity to direct its own steps (spiritual direction).

Heb 4:12           The words of Yahovah*God (scriptures) is living and active. Sharp like a double edged sword which rules the thoughts and                            attitudes of the mind.

Isa 55:11           Yahovah*God says - My words will not return to me empty but it will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose
                           for which I sent it.

2Ti 3:16-17       All scriptures are for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. To equip the servant of Yahovah for every                            good work (life’s mission).

2Ti 4:2               All scriptures are to be preached with great patience and careful instruction for encouragement and by the rebuke of                            correction.

Ro 12:2             The human mind must be transformed by a renewal (reformation) of their mental reality, so they can comprehend
                           scriptural knowledge.

1Ti 2:4               Yahovah*God desires all of humanity to submit to salvation and come to the knowledge of the truth.

Isa 42:16           Yahovah*God will one day correct humanities state of mind and will not forsake or give up on humanity. Eze 37:1 to14

2Ti 2:25             Yahovah*God grants repentance which leads to the knowledge of the truth.

Pr 11:2               With humility comes wisdom.

Isa 50:10            Who shall revere (fear) Yahovah*God and obey the words of her servants?
                            Let those who walk in darkness, who have no light, trust in the name of Yahovah*God and rely on her.

Jn 17:17            Sanctification (qodeshness-purification) by the truth, Yahh the Father’s words are the truth.

Dt 8:3                 Humanity shall live by every word that comes from the mouth of Yahovah*God. Also Mt 4:4 - Jn 4:34

Jn 5:24               Whoever hears the words (through scriptures) of Yahshua the Messiah and believes shall have eternal life.

Jn 8:51               If anyone keeps (guards/protects) my words (truth of scriptures), they will never see death (eternal damnation).

Lk 11:28            Blessed are those who hear the words of Yahovah*God and obey them.