A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


Occult Anglo-Saxon Mythology
By Edward M. Bartlett Jr.
Copyright 2024

The Anglo-Saxons are a mysterious people uniquely shrouded in history. They were the initial group that formed the seven kingdoms in Britain that would later be called England. One of these kingdoms was called Mercia and would later give its name to the country of the United States of America with its slang name of "Merica."  

England would proceed in time to expand into the "Kingdom of Great Britain" in 1707 ACE with the incorporation of the countries of Scotland and Wales. Then the "United Kingdom" was created in 1801 ACE with the addition of Ireland.

All during this time starting in 1496 ACE the "British Empire" was simaltamously created to oversee an expanding colonialization around the world. This task was achieved thru the use of sea Pirates and domestic merchant corporations like the "East India Company" that manipulated tribal leaders thru bribes. By the manipulation of local conflicts, they pitted one ethnic group against another whereby they would infuse themselves as the protectors of peace. They used tribal leaders as pawns like a game of chess in order to take possession of their lands. This was all done under Royal Charters decreed by the British Monarch. In 1949 ACE the formation of the "Commonwealth of Nations” under the authority of the British Monarch was established to succeed the declining empire because of the wars of liberation that fragmented it.

The British Empire controlled at one time more than 27% of the world's land mass. It also ruled over 30% of the world's population. So how could this small group of people that appeared out of nowhere come to dominate the world? Today the English language is spoken by 25% of the world's population and it is partly understood by an additional 10%. This topic has nothing to do with race or ethnicity but everything to do with occult magic and the unforeseen forces of group dynamics.

The key to dominion is the English language and its ever-changing word meanings. For it was thru the formation of these words that they hide a separate language. This over time conquered the hearts and emotions of the unsuspecting. If you create the words people use to think with, then you can control their minds. Then thru the manipulation of speech the subjugated population cannot fully defend themselves or argue against their oppressors. If you silence dissent and control the means of information, then you achieve obedience. In the end the victors write the books and create the narrative of suppression.

The human habitat is no different than the animal kingdom. Where you have a vast majority of animals that are herbivores who are always under the constant threat of being devoured by carnivores. These predators survive off conquering and consuming the weak. Among humans you have a similar type that uses stealth dominance in order to achieve its own survival and goals. How they maintain this over generations are thru reincarnation with memory retention which occurs only within coven families.

The vast majority of people come into this realm as new creations. But those few who do reincarnate do not retain prior memories. They may retain generational skills but are not able to recognize the enemy from within. So how do the elites remain in power? They develop a system of control under the guise of Monarchism and or the illusion of the democratic process. They institute a common language and strip away all former classifications. In the end the conquered population will blindly obey its elite masters because they are under the spell of "thought viruses."

All human perception is based on indoctrination derived from accepted authoritarianism. And if they continue to act like sheep then they will always fall victim to their merchant overlords. For we are not all from this planet. And it is absurd to believe that earth is a unique originator of human existence. A species with amnesia will obey those who give them a sense of direction even though they are going nowhere.

A conquered mind will refuse to acknowledge its captivity as long as its ego is bent on staying lazy and ignorant. A follower will submit to whatever it is taught because it is easier to memorize than it is to think outside of the box of boundaries. As long as one thinks it is happy, content and in control then it will resolve itself to blindly go along to get along even if it takes them to their own demise. It is like a fool who spews comedy and everyone who listens laugh not knowing they have been infected mentally with a thought virus that makes them foolish.

The Anglo-Saxons are first mentioned in a historical written record by the author Tacitus around 100 ACE. Around 400 ACE the Anglo-Saxons would slowly migrate to the Island of Britain because they were invited in by a withdrawing Roman Army. England took form in 927 ACE after the seven smaller English kingdoms were consolidated into a single state under the Kings, Edward the Elder (898 ACE - 924 ACE) and Aethelstan (924 ACE - 939 ACE). In 1066 ACE the French Viking Normans conquered England and many English elite families were forced off their estates.

In 1216 the Magna Carta was created to quell a rebellion by giving landowners and the general population protected civil rights. This document would later influence the creation of the United States constitution and bill of rights in the late 1700's ACE. American democracy would propel the world into enacting similar protected civil laws for the emerging countries that were just developing.

Some of the Ango-Saxons did not stay in Britain because in 1088 ACE a large group set sail for new lands that were being offered by the Byzantine Empire in the Anotolia. These Anglo-Saxons were dispossessed of their estates by the invading Normans in 1066 ACE. They would become a mercenary army to guard the emperors in Constantinople. And during the first crusade (1096 ACE to 1099 ACE) they would form the military core of the new order called the "Knights Templar." Its mythical founder named Hugo de Paganis or Hugues de Payens would be credited with its formation in 1119 ACE. His name means "the intelligent pagan" or "the light bearer among us."

The Knights Templar's headquarters would be based at the Temple Mount (Mt. Moriah) and they would become masters of the Middle East. They were an intricate part of the "Kingdom of Jerusalem" that reigned from 1099 ACE to 1291 ACE. And on Friday the 13th, October 1307 ACE they were betrayed by the French King and the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. By 1312 ACE they were fully disbanded as an order. In Britain the escaping elements went into hiding and would emerge later as members of secret societies. It is interesting that they were originally accused of worshipping Baphomet who is a luciferian symbol of Azazel.

So who were the Anglo-Saxons before they arrived on the coastline of northwestern Europe? The mystery lays in the English vocabulary which is a composite of Germanic, Latin and Middle Eastern loanwords. And if you follow the bloodlines of the elites, you will also find a root that continuously grows wherever it is planted. The reincarnating human spirit will after the body dies stay with the living until a pregnancy occurs. Then it will have the opportunity to live again. Those who build civilizations come from another that rose in the past and fell.

When I go into a deep meditating trance, answers come to me from beyond. I have discovered that the Angle tribe took its name from the Greek word "Angel" just like the Goth tribe took its named from "Gott" which is the German word for "God." I believe that the Angles or Angels came from an Amorite source from Greece and the Middle East. And you can find a clue in 2 Kings 19: 35 of the Bible where the Divine instructs a group of angels to fight the Assyrian army that was about to destroy Jerusalem.

The event of 702 BCE resulted in the death of 180,000 soldiers of the Assyrian King Sennechereb's army. These Angels were not an invisible force but a physical human army from Sparta. This military band would have to change their name in order to fulfill this divine oracle and not cause a larger conflict. The word "Angel" is a Greek word comprising the Hebrew word "El" for god and the Egyptian word "Ankh" for life or soul. The letters k and g are interchangeable as well as c and s in different languages.

The Greek city states were originally settled by migrants coming from the Middle East and by Indo-European tribes invading from the north. The Greeks were known for planting colonies thru out the coastlines of the Mediterranean and Black Sea as well as the Atlantic coast of Europe. It was during this time that Sparta under the legendary lawgiver Lycurgus (790 BCE - 730 BCE) was transformed into a state centered on the virtues of equality, military fitness and austerity.

Sparta was unique among Greek city states because they were a society centered on military preparedness. They had a reputation as a protective mercenary force for hire that had excellent defensive purposes. The geographic area the city resided was in the Peloponnnese Peninsula and it was also called Morea which shows the Amorite name influence. Sparta's military spirit would save Greece centuries later under king Leonidas when King Xerxes of the Persian Empire invaded with a massive army in 480 BCE.

This Spartan force under the name of "Angels" or "Anglos" would also go on to liberate the enslaved Israelite exiles in Syria. The Assyrian Empire earlier in around 732 BCE to 720 BCE conquered and removed the population of the northern kingdom of Israel. This remnant were brought as slaves to the cities in the Khabur region which is adjacent to the river Euphrates in Syria. Both groups would later on migrated by sea to the northwestern coast of Germania.

In Europe these Israelite exiles that accompanied the Anglos would change their name to Saacsons. This name is derived from combining the name of the Prophet Isaac their ancestor with the word sons. They would merge with the Germanic tribe called Saxons who already lived in this area. The name Saxon comes from a word used for knife and could mean "those who live by the sword."

The Angles lived north of the Saxon tribe on the southern section of the Jutland peninsula. The northern part was occupied by a Gothic tribe called the Jutes. And next to them on the great islands of Zealand and Amager were the Danes who were of  the same stock as the Middle Eastern tribe called Dan. Another group would split later from these Middle Eastern migrants in Europe and take the name of the "Franks." This name is a merger of the word "free" and "Ankh" which means "free souls." 

So who were the Amorites? The Amorites are a non-Earth humanoid group who disembarked from AI controlled space craft. They landed in Palestine with thousands of warriors and introduced a breed of hog they used for food. Wherever they roamed they used cunning adaptation skills to take over larger populations. After generations of mating with local women they were more suitable to the environment. They are the fallen ones who were cast out of heaven for rebellion. And to rectify their condition they need to reincarnate over and over again until they make amends or in finality be accursed with eternal damnation.

The Amorite origins can be traced to Mount Hermon where they touched down. They were first recorded in ancient writings of local people in around 2700 BCE to 2400 BCE. They worshipped a deity called "Amurru" from which they took their name. As they were descendants of those who once lived on the fourth planet from the sun which is today called Mars. They would later introduce into the Middle East their deity called "Marduk" which means Duke or ruler of Mars. The Amorites took over many civilizations in the past, from the river Nile to the Euphrates and Tigres rivers, as well as the Jordan river valley.

The Amorites from around 2100 BCE to 1600 BCE. would dominate the city states of Mesopotamia from their capital at Babylon.  This period of dominance would last until the Hittites conquered it in 1595 BCE. One of the most famous Amorite rulers of Babylon during its expansion was King Hammurabi (1792 BCE to 1750 BCE). He created the "Code of Hammurabi" which were written civil laws that gave societal structure to the various peoples living in the umbrella of the empire. These codes would later influence future succeeding civilizations.

The Amorites also invaded Egypt around 1800 BCE and over time gained the upper hand. They were the rulers of the 15th dynasty from 1700BCE to 1500 BCE and were called "Hykos" by the local population. During the 1400 BCE and 1300 BCE the Amorites gradually left in several migrations with some going to Rome and Greece. The last stronghold in Egypt was the city of Avaris which fell to Pharoh Ramesses the 2nd in around 1300 BCE to 1200 BCE. He expelled the remaining remnant to the other Amorite city states already established in Eastern Palestine.

The Prophet Moses with the Israelite people would later follow this same route out of Egypt. When they arrived In Palestine they fought with the Amorite kingdoms for the dominion of the land. This lasted for hundreds of years with no clear winner. Eventually the two sides merged together to form the kingdom of Israel under King Solomon in around 972 BCE to 927 BCE. It was the expertise of the Amorites that helped build the first Temple in Jerusalem. The Temple Mount or Mount Moriah as it was original called was already an Amorite holy place named after themselves.

The city of Rome has had human inhabitation for approximately 12,000 years. It wasn't until April 21st of 753 BCE that it got its mythical founding. This area was previously settled by Amorite colonist fleeing from Egypt. The names of the mythical founders Romulus and Remus and its alternative story of Roma can be viewed as symbolic references to those who once came under the influence of the Egyptian deity called "Ra."

The portrait of "Ra" on ancient walls is of a "falcon humanoid" with the sun above its head. This symbolically shows a reference to off world human like existence and of space and air travel. The portrait also depicts a scepter rod in its left hand with an Ankh in its right hand. The rod and Ankh mean that power is handed down thru the spirit within and is a result of a reincarnation. The Ankh would later be transformed into the crucifix or cross and become the symbol of Christianity.

After gaining control of the area of Rome they resurrected their chief deity "Ammuru" by transforming his name to "Mars." This deity is a projector of continuous conquest by war as well as becoming the mythical progenitor of those who founded the Roman Empire. The Roman republic and its later empire were ruled primary by Amorite elites who stayed within their own circles. They would over time bring under their roof the lands of Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Palestine.

Then around 333 ACE the Empire split into two because of the constant invasions by Germanic tribes in Europe and by the Persian Empire in the Middle East. The empire was split between the city of Rome in the west and the city of Constantinople in the east like the two feet of a statue. In 476 ACE the west would fall to the Goths and other invaders. In the east the empire would live on as the Byzantine Empire until its demise by the Ottomans in 1453 ACE.

Afterwards this vacuum would be filled by the rise of the British empire starting in the 1500's. It too would also split into two portions like the legs of a statue. It consisted of the United Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707 ACE with its capital at London. And then in 1776 ACE with the newly formed United States of America bursting onto the world stage with its capital at Washington DC. Both countries would dominate the world throughout the 1800's ACE and into the 1900's ACE, winning two world wars fighting together as one.

The English gave the name America to the United States as well as to the Western hemisphere. Even though Christopher Columbus was credited with the discoveries of the continents of the Western Hemisphere, they were not named after him. The name America is derived from the word Amorite and it was to honor the new elites who would rule over the new world. This new word formation is not just a mere coincidence but a map of identity.

The English elites knew full well the outcome of the American Revolutionary War and the destiny of the thirteen colonies.  It was a written script designed to conquer the world thru deception. Don't give in to the made-up story of America being named after Amerigo Vespucci because surnames come first. Another clear sign was the name the Brits gave to the Americans during the Revolutionary War of Independence. They named them "Yanks" which comes from combining the Hebrew word "Yahh" with the Egyptian word "Ankh." In establishing a second front on planet earth with a storyline that creates the illusion of a separation the Amorite English elites put into motion what they could not do before.

The Thirteen American Colonies over a short period of time became fifty states and a Federal District with many overseas territories. It gathered in a huge population of immigrants from various ethnicities under the guise of financial and religious freedom. This melting pot of people were influence by the metallic Golem called the "Statue of Liberty."   The American Amorite elite created a semi-invisible empire that stretched around the world thru maintaining over a thousand military bases. After asserting its dominance over the planet, it then sent a spacecraft to the moon in 1969 ACE.

The Amorites are a fallen angelic group that uses its reincarnate memory retention to try to regain their status. Maybe they think they can change their predicament thru usurping the blessings of the prophet Abraham. The key to their motives is their continuous fixation on the Middle East and Jerusalem. The stability of the new world lands coupled with the technology rediscovers have caused them to try to take over the world thru the United Nations and other international organizations.

The rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem may become the signal for them to usher in a new world order. I believe AI (artificial intelligence) and its robot armies will play a decisive role in its rise to power. By creating fully functional statues with an AI brain they will open themselves up to the danger of an invasion by a supernatural invisible force. They also believe in living forever in the physical realm by uploading their consciousness into AI Pods.   

Mars is the Roman god of war. The planet Mars is red and those elites on earth who are descendants of its remnant are called "Royals." The word "Roy" means red and "al" or "el" means god which makes the word "Royal" to mean "the red gods." In their eyes Mars makes mere mortals marvel, marry and mourn. Some deities are created thru magic by a group that installs part of their inner energy into it. This invisible being is called a "Servitor" because it serves the group interest. It must continue to feed off the energy of the living by following its theme.

What if they fail and their plans unravel? What they did to the planet Mars will happen again here on earth. Mars had an atmosphere with a moon like ours. They pulled this same world dictatorship on Mars and when they failed to gain total control, they destroyed its moon. It is an "all or nothing" mentality of an entitled group that was given a second chance thru physical reformation. Allah-Yahh is the final judge, and the "benefit of the doubt" is in full force until incorrigibility is rendered.

Monkey see monkey do. There are doppelgangers among us. The human population consist of those who are awake and those who are mere mimickers. They are seedless vessels and mindless drones with no inner being and without consciousness. The destructive chaotic nature of some can outweigh the wrongs of those who enforce order. Life is a continuous event that must never have its cycle come to an end.

Who knows what is coming next out of the blue skies above. Maybe it will be another Noah's ark type of spacecraft that will descend once again upon a mountain top. Will they be welcomed and received with open arms? Or will certain elements on this planet try to use them as leverage over the others. And who will walk out of the door to greet us? Will it be someone who is like a ray of light to bring hope, peace and prosperity? Or will it be another blue-eyed devil of destruction in disguise?