A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


The Lost Ten Tribes Myth
By Edward M. Bartlett Jr.
Copyright 2024

The Bible has many embellished story lines that entice the reader with silly assumptions. This added information is to stroke people's ego with ethnicity or racial pride. It makes absolutely no sense to hype these suggestions because there is no proof that these claims are true. The insistence that twelve sons can turn into twelve tribes and then into twelve modern day nations is absurd. And to further claim that ancient prophecies line up with all the people within the boundaries of a particular nation is totally baseless.

Simply the "The Lost Ten Tribes" stories don't line up or even live up to the expectations of those who created them. These myths shouldn't be the foundation of anyone's belief system because they are centered on the worship of ancestry and carnal desire. The content of one's character and what they base their moral judgment on is the gem of spirituality. And keep in mind that tribalism can be the root of illogical perceptions that leads down the road to corruption and an incorrigible nature.

"The Lost Ten Tribes" story deals with the offspring of the Prophet Jacob. His name was changed to "Israel" (Yahisrael) to honor his analytical conversation and verbal struggle with a divine Messenger. It is stated in Genesis 35:23-26 that he had twelve sons by four different women. He had from his main wife Rachel two sons, Joseph and Benjamin and from his second wife Leah six sons, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issacher and Zebulun.  The other sons were Dan and Naphtali from Bilhah and Gad and Asher from Zilpah. 

Each name of the twelve have significant meanings behind them but only three would leave a legacy behind them. Out of the twelve I believe only Joseph, Levi and Judah were real because of their legacy but the others could be just NPC (non-player characters). The rest of the names were people who already lived in Egypt and joined them in the exodus. And only Joseph has a distinctive storeline in the Bible because he was a prophet. 

The Prophet Joseph stands out the most as being divinely inspired but his offspring were interwoven with the Egyptians and their religious beliefs. He was sold into slavery as a young man but eventually gained favor with the Egyptian Pharaoh. The prophet Judah would become the main influence on future generations of Jewish people because he followed the original Hebrew belief system handed down to the Prophet Abraham. The prophet Levi was a religious man of the left hand path and his descendants would eventually become the priestly class.

After they came out of Egypt they settled in the land Palestine. They absorbed other local people like the Canaanites, Phoenicians, Amorites and Bedouin Arabs. They were joined in the exodus by people that came from Kemet, Nubia, Libya, Ethiopia and also by the roaming Indo-Danaanites. But after a couple hundred years they split into two parts after the reign of the Prophet Solomon (Sulaiman or Sulyahman).

The northern group retained the name of Israel with a ruling class from Joseph's descendants. They had an open religious system that centered on polytheism. The southern group was named after the descendants of Judah because they worshiped "Yahh" which was the center of the original Hebrew religion. The Levite group are the holders of the priesthood who were the only ones who retained a spiritual component throughout the millenniums. The last two groups of Judah and Levi were focused on monotheism and on the laws of Moses which gave rise to Judaism and the teachings of the Kabbalah.

The northern kingdom of Israel was later conquered by the Assyrian Empire and the people removed out of their land. This gave rise to the term "Ten Lost Tribes of Israel" with speculation running wild of where they can be found presently. The theories of who they have become flies in the face of reality and has no standing where proof is of concern. The Israelites of both northern and southern kingdoms are present today in the two groups called the Ashkenazi and the Shephardic.

No one can receive the blessings of the Prophets Abraham, Isaac and Jacob unless they keep the requirements of the covenants with "Allah-Yahh." The blessings are handed down to physical descendants but if they don't have the spiritual seal then they are truly lost. There are those who claim to be of the covenant people but follow no rules. Anyone can claim the blessings thru the "Law of Adoption'' by meeting the requirements of the covenants. But if you choose the title without the seal of approval then you become a curse.