A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


Genesis Planet Earth
By Edward M. Bartlett Jr.
Copyright 2024

In the beginning the earth was a ball of fire. It exist in a state of perpetual climate change. It could not have been brought about by accident. Anything that is in motion eventually stops. How could anything keep moving and spinning on its own? There must be an invisible structure holding the universe together. Nothing moves in a pattern unless it is designed to.

Did you know that the Earth is alive and aware? There is an invisible sentient spirit that controls the physical planet with its magnetic field, atmosphere and its biosphere. It is like an egregore that feeds off of the emotional state of its inhabitants. For every thought formed and enacted brings an equivalent reaction from the planet. If humanity is content and happy it brings the weather and environmental conditions to its benefit. If humans are consistently angry and hostile to each other than it responses with drastic changes to the planet that mimics what is being projected.

The first book in the Bible is called "Genesis" and its meaning is original or beginning. In the first chapter of this book you will find the creation story. It has been altered by writers over time to suit an agenda and should be viewed with skepticism. You can rearrange it to suit a more scientific or logical approach. Yes, Galileo (1564 - 1642 ACE) was right, the earth is not the center of the universe.

I believe the structure of the 1st chapter of Genesis to be out of chronological order. It’s more of a summarization of events that span billions of years as opposed to its asserted seven days of creation. It is clear that the sun had to be created first for everything else to fall into place. And both the planet and moon would have to cool down first before the beginning stages of life can start. Then the simple organism must evolve into higher life forms for the evolutionary process to play out.

Chapter one verse one stands alone as a description of our solar system being created and formed billions of years ago. Out of our sun came the other planets which cooled over time. All seven had an atmosphere to sustain life. Starting with the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars then the three that extended out towards planet Jupiter. The planets we call Jupiter and Saturn are defunct star systems that were caught in the gravitational pull of our sun. The planets Neptune and Uranus were once a part of a binary star system but are now defunct as well.

The second verse is describing the state of earth sometime afterwards and in the aftermath of a worldwide upheaval. This verse can also be translated as "the Earth was in a chaotic state where a void was created." Whatever happened it left the planet devastated with most lifeforms going extinct. It also informs us of the reign of darkness over the earth. This was due to the tremendous amount of dust blocking out the sunlight which points to a cosmic impact and volcanic eruptions.

The third thru fifth verses describes the clearing up of the debris in the atmosphere for the sun to shine thru. And verse six thru eight is the setting up of a canopy of vapor around the earth and the regeneration of the atmosphere. In verse nine the earth is covered in water without any dry land. This signifies the earth took on water from a destroyed planet which made the sea levels rise over the land. In verse ten the earth cools down with the water being absorbed into glaziers and the reemergence of the ice caps at the north and south poles.

All thru these verses the voice of a deity is commanding planet Earth to make these changes to itself. Then the planet proceeds to follow the various stages of instructions from this voice. The interior and exterior were regenerated and then the stage was set for the reengineering of all types of animals. So who is this deity talking to in chapter one?

At multiple times in the chapter it just commands and then the earth responds with the changes. In order for this to occur in the physical realm there must be something inside of the planet for it to hear and obey the voice. The planet must have an inner spirit so that the communication can be received. The divine voice is clearly communicating with Planet Earth as though it is an autonomous interactive entity. It only makes sense that a divine power causes an invisible force to be created within the physical body of the planet in order for it to receive and respond to commands, just like a robot.

After the earth is in a condition to sustain life the voice proceeds to command the creation of all sorts of animals and moving living things. This is in verses twenty thru twenty-five and could have been easily accomplished thru the elevation or evolution of the amphibians and mammals still living in the vast oceans. It states that all sorts of animals were formed based on their divisions according to its dwelling whether in the water, ground and air. This would include the rise of the various hominids that can still be found throughout the world today.

It is not all black or white but amber. The "Great Architect of the Universe" thru the evolutional stages of progress has created many humanoids from the original hominids. They are the ghost populations that are embedded within all of us. From a pale to a honey thru to a cognac, the original Amber population spread around the world. From Siberia to southeast Asia and the Pacific as well as into the Americas. And from Ethiopia to Madagascar into India thru to Australia and Brazil.

It is at this point in verse 26 that it states "let us" make man in our image. It is clearly referring to other deities surrounding it because the Hebrew word for god is "El" and for gods is "Elohim." And this verse can also be translated as "let us transform the hominids into our image." To make hominids similar to them they would had to plant an invisible force within to alter their bodies and make their brains develop.

This signifies that a conscious mind with an invisible spirit within was not present at first. All animals or creatures are given instincts which are based on set patterns of behavior. By planting an invisible spiritual seed or "spirit" inside the hominid it caused it to transform into a human. This invisible "seed spirit" within them must grow over time to produce fruits of intelligence.

The descendants of the human hominids would not all maintain the spirit within because as in nature some things turn out to be seedless or have an under developed seed. These people are called mimics because they look and act like everyone else. Some are good at memorizing information and make excellent workers. While others lack the capacity to think and are prone to ignorance and irrational destructive behavior that leads to the break down of society.

The divine voice gives the land to the human hominids to rule over it and to subdue the animals as it is stated in verse twenty-eight. The Earth exists only to facilitate human development so that those who strive to be elevated can achieve their objectives. Then the simple hominid humanoid stands up and distance itself from the primate for it awakens to its own unique nature.

Language initially started with the mysterious utterances heard only in the minds of the few. They verbally mimicked the sounds and the understanding of it entered their minds. The human receivers or channelers spread these words to others as they discovered them. The vast majority of those who heard these words submitted to memorizing the meaning behind the sound.

For among those at the top of the pyramid who start to hear a divine voice a sudden change took hold of them. The words took form in a vocabulary that formed the language used to communicate order within the group. This is the beginning stage of organized tribal societies guided by their spiritual leader or Shaman. The mind is an echo chamber and the beast within is hard to control.

The many are called but only a few are chosen. A divine voice speaks as a whisper in the mind. Intelligent communication comes thru when you least expect it. Knowing the different between your inner voice and a divine one is the key to sanity and divine inspiration. The Shaman goes deep in thought and by pushing all thoughts out of the mind the vacuum is created.

Humanity can be divide between the elevated or divinely inspired and the "batteries" who do as they wish for mundane purposes. The vast majority of humans are acceptable to hypnosis and are programmable. The separation is inevitable because the "goyim" and the "mensch" are two distinct groups who are going in different directions.

Adam is not part of this previously mentioned group because "they" were not created until chapter 2 verse 7. Adam is a separate and distinct creation, very different from the others because it had a higher brain capacity for thinking. Adam was created in heaven first as a "source energy soul" and then later given a physical body. The Garden of Eden was not on planet Earth but somewhere else. It was the Prophet Noah on the spacecraft ark who brought Adam's progeny to planet Earth after the conditions on planet Mars deteriorated.

We are all organic beings with the potential to learn and grow with intelligence. We all have the ability to function spiritually and give birth to an invisible self. We were designed to evolve mentally, physically and spiritually. We are what we project whether it be for order or for chaos. Our destiny is up to us and our choices are overseen by an unknown invisible force which decides our fate.

The Earth is not only the planet we depend on for survive but a created sentient entity. You can liken it to a Golem or a semi conscious simulation that can be programmed and edited. It’s the one who created it who has control over it and can give access to whom it desires. It is a fact that if you talk to your plants they will blossom and look healthier than if you didn't. The planet needs to be respected and we should do everything possible to nurture it.

So why do I say that planet Earth is awake? This is because I have often prayed for the rain to stop when out traveling. And it has come to an abrupt end too many times for it to be a coincidence. I have also steered hurricanes by merely desiring them thru prayer to take a particular path of destruction. The Almighty Allah-Yahh is too High of a being to personally take such a request but grants authority to the individual for the "Golem Earth Planet" to obey.

The Prophet Elijah is mentioned as having power to cause rain to fall or be held back as it says in the Bible in the book of James 5:16-18. The power over the weather by an invisible force is stated in Amos 4:7-8. It may be the withholding of rain on one field and letting it fall on another. In the book of Revelations chapter 11:6 the power over the rain is given to the two witnesses in accordance with their divine mission.

The Prophet Moses or Mosheyah was granted power over water in the splitting of the Red Sea. This allowed the fleeing Israelites to cross it to evade the Egyptian army who were washed away by it afterwards. This story is in the Bible, book of Exodus 14: 15-23. And in the book of Numbers 16:30-33 the Prophet Moses had power over the ground to have it swallow alive his enemy Korah and the rebels with him.

We are not alone for the divine will of the invisible has made everything in duplications. There are humanoid type civilizations on countless planets scattered throughout the Universe. They are all in various stages of development with some who have reached technological advancement for space travel. This planet has been seeded with different life forms for millions of years. We do not see all the evidence of how far back human civilization has been on this planet because of natural catastrophes.

The earth over its existence has experienced many flooding episodes and glacier events. Rising sea levels have covered previously inhabited coastal regions causing migrations. The glaciers that formed at different times have pushed large boulders thousands of miles from its origins. Tsunamis, earthquakes and land submergence has buried lost cities and towns which we now discover by chance. Modern humans have also recovered human artifacts embedded deep in the layers of coal in mines.

One of these catastrophic events caused the downfall of the Atlantis civilization which existed for tens of thousands of years. The area of the former city of Atlantis was seated on top of the natural formation called the Richat Structure. This is located in the Sahara desert on the northwestern area of the African continent. It is in the Adrar region of the present day country called Mauritania. It has been given the nickname of the "Eye of Africa or Eye of the Sahara."

Atlantis planted colonies throughout Africa and along the Mediterranean Sea including the Nile, Niger, Congo and Zambezi rivers. They are the builders of the pyramids in Egypt and those found around the world. Atlantis has been in existence for well over a 100,000 years. It is one of the many locations set up on this planet by off world alien species to promote human existence.

Atlantis has been a facilitator of transplanting on Earth many different types of people from the various inhabited planets in other galaxies. The Dogon tribe of Mauritania being one of these which has retained this knowledge thru oral tradition that they originated from the Pleiades star system. The Atlantans brought agriculture to the planet and genetically altered vegetation for medical purposes and for human consumption. The Sahara desert where the city is located was once a lush jungle with large bodies of water and flowing rivers.

The story of Atlantis is from the writings of Greek philosopher "Plato" (427 - 348 BCE). In his books "Timaeus" and "Critias" he recounts the stories handed down to him from the Athenian statesman and author "Solan" (630 - 560 BCE) who was given this information from Egyptian historians and scholars. This story recounts the expanding Atlantean Empire that ruled northern Africa and the coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea.

The capital city of Atlantis was surrounded by rings of water and land with mountain ranges in the north. The Egyptian historians stated that this capital city was hit by earthquakes and tsunami waves that sunk it under water. They stated that this was written in their records some 9000 years prior. I believe this event happened way before 9600 BCE when it was recorded in Egypt. This catastrophe was a result of the melting of the north American and European ice sheets around 12000 - 9000 BCE. This was a result of ongoing impacts from disintegrating celestial objects hitting these areas.

The Atlantis civilization was founded by the Naga alien species. They are sort of the caregivers of the Universe. The Nagas have interbreed with humans to produce an intelligent hybrid with an elongated head. These humanoids would loose this signature skull anomaly over time and emerge looking like everyone else. The Nagas are known to various cultures around the world because they have left a positive legacy. In the spiritual realm the Nagas are called the Seraphim.

Planet Earth is in a continuous state of change. We are all in a constant state of evolving. We are all part of life's great continuum. Our vibrations give off an invisible energy that is absorbed by everything that surround us. If we make the correct life decisions that brings hope, peace and prosperity then the Earth will respond in kind. Allah-Yahh has got the ball rolling. So let us move forward into the great unknown by listening to the rational voices that project the resolution of our earnest concerns so that we may manifest our original purpose.