A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


Free Range Thoughts
By Edward M. Bartlett Jr.
Copyright 2023

Logic goes hand in hand with the state of mind. People in general can not think outside what they know from learning and experiences. In other words they can't think outside the box which is referencing the books they have read or been taught from. When it comes to discussing topics with those with an unwavering view point I often find it stems from a mind trapped in indoctrination. It is extremely hard for those who refuse discourse to accept a new idea because they don't want their beliefs questioned.

It is like having an interaction with a wild animal which responds aggressively to the encounter. Humans can not cope with someone that goes beyond their limited understandings. Their reactions turn into a game of countering which goes nowhere because it is not based on a rational outlook. They base their arguments or deflection on a supposed document written in the past which could have been altered or skewed to fit a narrative. In the end these unchallenged written thoughts become a mental virus that destroys civility, cohesion and thought evolution.

In the end all that the wild human animal wants is to win. And winning is an outward fulfillment of an illusion. Where as success is an inner fulfillment of reality and logic. They will twist whatever you say in order to defeat you. In the process they murder logic and further promote the genocide of any ideas that challenge their ignorant supremacy. Evolved knowledge does not matter to them and they will treat any new idea as invasive. You are their enemy because you are not controlled by the words or ideas that hold them captive.

On April eighth of the year two thousand and fourteen, it occurred to me that there are invisible walls dividing the minds of humanity. It keeps everyone divided along certain distinctions based on artificial lines that can be broken. It is centered on what they know and what they base their knowledge on. And this separation affects everyone's state of logic. Whether it be from education, traditions, environmental exposures or personal experiences, the divide is real. The consequence stemming from it is the foundation of ignorance.

This is because humans have not progressed past the point of their original animal instinct which is based on emotions. We have the ability to evolve into something greater because our imagination is connected to an invisible realm. If we choose to progress forward and undo the barriers in our minds we will resolve the many issues that hinder our limitless future. To allow information to come into the framework of one's consciousness is to be open minded and inclusive. The spark of progress is to allow the mind to think independently. Free your thoughts and your mind will follow.

Reinvent who you are, by questioning your foundations. It is like reorganizing a house, find and keep that which is of worth and let go of the rubbish that is based on foolishness and pain. Lower your ego and let those who came before you stay in the past. Shed the skin of tradition in favor of the growth of discovery. Everything in existence is based on mathematics, for all things must add up or be subtracted. Multiply your truths and divide your assumptions for the rendering of facts must proceed with caution. Life outside the box must become a norm and not an exception.

Remember, in the beginning the "word" spoke and caused all things to come into existence. At least this is what is described in the first verses of the Torah and Bible. This is the basis for the monotheistic beliefs of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Out of words came the physical reality and where did those words come from? It came from the thoughts of an "Intelligent Designer" and that is if you want to think so. Words evolve like the thoughts that enter our minds and like the planets with the sun we should not stop what is already in motion.