A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


Dominion's Magic
By Edward M. Bartlett Jr.
Copyright 2024

On January 15th 2015, I was deep in thought. I was meditating on the origins and hidden messages within the vocabulary of the English language. Francis Bacon (1/22/1561 to 4/9/1626) has been accredited with creating words and literature that still inspire many today. Edward Aleister Crowley (10/12/1875 to 12/1/1947) is another occultist and writer with great influence among the global ruling elite of today. To leave behind a legacy for future generations is of great importance if it awakens the mind.

The Dominator's magic is the art of illusion a "Wizard" uses to take total ownership over anything or everything. In accomplishing this task the "Dom" makes the human or animal or material object or geographic area its domain. Authority comes from a dominate personality that arises when there is an absent or vacuum of a rival. Men like wolves need a leader to guide the pack whether it is for defense or prosperity.

A dime a dozen. When the most vulnerable are targeted by this mind manipulation it causes a cheapening of one's worth. A woman targeted in this manner is given the title of dame if she is married and damsel if not. And when a group is lured into prostitution they are crowned with a handler called a Madam or Madame. It is thru the female population that an enemy conquers its prey. Not everyone is born equal because some reincarnate multiple times and inherit more intelligence. If the mind is dim to knowledge than it makes the wolf's job easier.

When a light bearer is born a group of Wizards intensify their magic. By creating a dome over a conquered people they become the dominion of its governing body or government. They project absolute authority or sovereignty over those subjected to its spell casting. The one who creates the words of a language controls the mind of its users. And this includes word evolution that is altered to suit an agenda. The domination of the few becomes solidified over time and is backed up by a theme. Every electrified generation needs a lucifer to complete its mission.

To tame a group over time is thru their tummy. In order to control a population thru deception, food is used as a main weapon. The theme of fear is harvested in their minds as a motivator in taming. And it alters group perception that propels them into compliance. The less people eat the more their thoughts diminish. A hungry population will always strive to obey the voice that feeds them. So be polite and say please or you will fail to fully follow the fools fall.

The thumb is the key and to keep them dumb was the goal. Any rebellion was meet by the marking of the perpetrators thumb or the bounding of both together behind the back and even its severing. But to prevent this from happening a dumbing down was needed. Education and learning was always an elite structure to maintain dominance but it was eventually restructured to be used as a tool of subjugation. The art of gaslighting is a propaganda system to get the unsuspecting into believing in lies. And remember the word dumb means stupid, foolish or uneducated as well as someone who is unable to speak. A silent majority is the trick behind maintaining order out of promoting chaos.

You can tame almost any animal by tying it to a tree, pole or placing it in a cage. It would get use to its captivity over time as long as you feed it. People are the same way and this method has been used in industrialization and agriculture communities. If you tie someone down to a plot of land or urban area they will never go anywhere out of comfortability. The average subjugated person will only walk fifteen minutes before they get bored or tired. If they refuse to challenge the bubble they live in then their docile nature will never go away.

Nowadays the enforcers of the dominating class are called "the police." In the past the elite hired the most aggressive few among the tribe to subdue it. They would tie offenders to the pole and also post laws and decrees upon them. In other words thru intimidation they controlled the many and assigned them their boundaries. The use of poles became the system of control where they would also raise ownership flags and mark property boundaries. The pole and police are synonymous as the symbol of power of the elite.

This dominating elite class are called "politicians." You go to the polling station to elect them. They create the laws of control and make them hard for you to understand. In this way they create a second group or middlemen for you to rely on and they are called lawyers. This is to hinder the masses from seeing their own culpability. And to further distance themselves they assign judges to execute the finality of their laws upon the condemned. The whole system in the end is rigged in order to silence any opposing threat to its hegemony. The domain of the dominator sets its dominion over the dumb under the damnation of doom.