A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


Harnessing Dark Matter
By Edward M. Bartlett Jr.
Painting #70
Copyright 2021

This is a painting of a devise that came to me in one night in March 2021. I started painting it on March 19th 2021 and finished it in the following weeks. As of today May 16th 2021, we live in the days of impending danger from human consumption and its environmental pollution. The graphics on toxic encroachment leads many to believe that we as a species will self-destruct unless a resolution is devised. Every source of energy production has its benefits and also its counterproductive end result. 

The solution I believe rests on Dark Matter because all substance seen or unseen had its origins thru it. If one could find a way to harness it then I believe it could resolve our planetarium problems. It also would give humanity the ability to travel to any solar system it desired. 

There is many a story of our technological forebears seeing visions of their own discoveries before they codified it. In their own words it was if some invisible force was helping them change the world and humanity for the better. 

And in the same spirit I give you that which was given to me. It happened in a split second and followed with a download of information to go with it. I have replicated it in the painting but not 100%. Power is a responsibility that few know how to handle. The dangers of it landing in the wrong hands will cause it to be counter productive to the intent of the sender.