A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


"The Theology of Yahh"

Yahwayism means the guidance (way) of the philosophy (ism) of Yahh (Yah). One who believes in Yahwayism is called a Yahwayist. Yahwayist believe in and worship the supreme spiritual entity called “Yahh.” He is referenced by this name in the Old Testament but in only a few places. And in the New Testament he is called “The Father.” In Ephesians 3:14-15, it states that those who worship the Father (Yahh) are named after him.

To worship "Yahh" is to worship “Yahovah”, his heavenly spouse and co ruler. She is the Elohiym (God) of the Old Testament. And in that section of scriptures her name has been blotted out for the word "LORD." She is also referenced in the book of Proverbs, in chapter eight, under the name "Wisdom." In the New Testament she is called the “Holy Spirit” and the "Comforter" (Jn 14:16,26 also Jn 15:26 and Jn 16:7).

One cannot worship Yahh and Yahovah without accepting “Yahshua”. He is called the Messiah which means the "Anointed One." This word also was blotted out for the Greek word "Christ". His Hebrew name Yahshua was taken away for the word "Jesus" which is a mangled Greek/English hybrid word. Yahshua is the only name by which one can be saved (Acts 4:12). "Yahshua" is our "Messiah," "King and High Priest."

In order to accept his authority, one must accept that he has become a human sacrifice for one’s own sins (law breaking). This takes humility because one has to accept that he or she has lived a rebellious life and wants to repent. After this the symbolic ritual of water baptism must be performed. This entails being submerged in water which symbolizes a watery grave for one’s past existence. This is an act of submission towards Yahh, Yahovah and Yahshua. One receives in the course of time the Holy Spirit which is a portion of Yahovah’s spiritual nature. In this one becomes a new creation, a spiritual embryo (cocoon) with the capability of a future emergence as an El (god), which is partially stated in John10:34,35. This process will take all of our remaining life to accomplish. It is a life of sacrifice and devotion. One must put forth all of their effort, by their own free-will to achieve this. The Yahwayist have an attitude of a continuous desire to progress toward perfection.

One’s path in Yahwayism should not be hindered by anyone, neither friend nor foe. The Spirit of Yahovah (Holy Spirit) is our only teacher and guide. Religious leaders are our shepherds for mental, emotional and physical development. They are there to help train us to be a witness to the truth and to instill correct doctrines. Every member is a disciple of Yahshua with equal rights. Their are no dictators (lords) only spiritual guides ordained from above.

Yahwayist are in a process of metamorphous to become a functioning part of Yahh and Yahovah’s future kingdom on earth. This occurs when Yahshua returns to establish a new world order. In theology this is called millennialism. In this metamorphous state, one develops separately from outside influence. This is called being "Qodesh" which in Hebrew means to be separate or set apart, it also means to be sacred/holy. To be "Qodesh" one must separate themselves from the customs of everyday culture and from other religious beliefs.

Believers of Yahwayism are equated in scriptures to a herd of animals on a farm. The leadership is equated to canine shepherds (Anatolian sheep dogs) and, or oxen that plow the field. And those in the herd to sheep and goats. The herd consist of two types of individuals, both of whom start off as disciples. The difference between the two is that the sheep stay obedient. And the goats are those who have mixed their worship/beliefs with an outside source. Because of this the goats become polluted and exhibit a rebellious and stubborn mentality which is a by-product of Satan's influence.

Life in the fold is not easy. The resistance one encounters in life is needed for one to grow spiritually. Our human existence is about growing in the power of the "Spirit." It is about overcoming instilled wrong behavior or obstacles whether they are sheep turned goats or shepherds who turn into wolves. The relationship which one develops, through prayers and devotion, towards the “Heterarch” (Yahh and Yahovah), will help one survive the most inhospitable environment which one experiences in this life time. In the end, the endurance and self-sacrifice will pay off. For the end result of Yahwayism is an eternal existence of extreme euphoria.