A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


Statues & Icons
"The Veneration of Objects"

The veneration of objects in any form is prohibited by the second commandment as it is translated from Dt 5:8-9, Dt 27:15, Lev 26:1 and Ex 20:4-5. It also states that one shall not show homage to such an object of idolatry which includes bowing in its direction, kneeling before it or kissing it. In Ps 97:7 those who do such things shall in the end be put to shame which means if they do not repent of these acts then they shall be rejected on judgment day by Yahovah.

In Christianity the worship of statues, icons and crosses is common place. They may call it veneration or symbols of justification but through their delusional logic they will never admit the truth that it is sheer paganism. This is what lies do to the mind; it alters reality to the point where one is held in captivity to fantasy. In this case it’s obviously they are enslaved to the sin of falsehood and idolatry. They may try to point to certain scriptures about the inner temple and such but they fail to see that any amount of excuses can never make anything that is wrong into a right. The truth is that graven images of the inner temple were created as illustrations of things symbolic in heaven. They were never made to be worshiped or venerated but was created as a witness of heavenly images which have a spiritual meaning behind them.