A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


The Unpardonable Sin
"The Enemies of YHVH*God"

1Jn 5:16                  There is a sin that leads to eternal death

Eph 4:30                 Do not grieve the Spirit with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption*eternal life.

2Co 1:22                This seal of ownership which is the Spirit of YHVH*God has been placed in our minds
                                as a deposit-guaranteeing our future*eternal life.

Mt 12:32                 Anyone who speaks against the Spirit will never be forgiven.

1Jn 1:6                   If we say YHVH*God's Spirit is in us and continue to walk in*after darkness*sin we lie for the truth is not in us.

Heb 10:39             Those who shrink back lack a solid foundation of belief in YHVH*God's Spirit.

2Ti 3:5                   Those who commit the unpardonable sin have a form of godliness but deny the Spirit's power.

1Ti 6:3-5                Those people who have allowed their minds to be corrupted, think that godliness is a means to financial gain.
                                They have been robbed of the truth.

Jude 1:10              They lack spiritual*scriptural understanding and rely on human instincts.

Mt 22:29                Error comes by not knowing scriptures or the Spirit.

Gal 5:25                They have lost step with the Spirit.

Eph 5:6                 Satan works in the children of disobedience.

Tit 1:15-16           Those of a corrupted mind think that nothing is pure-they dwell in a state of negativity.
                              They claim to know YHVH*God, but by their actions they deny him.
                              They are detestable*unclean,disobedient*rebellious and unfit*incapable for*of doing anything good*right.

2Ti 3:8                  They oppose the truth - people of depraved*corrupt minds, who as far as the faith is concerned are rejected.

Eph 4:22              Deceitful desires*covetness corrupts the mind.

Jude 1:24             Without the Spirit their faults*human instincts cause them to fail.

Heb 3:12-14        Through sin's deceitfulness the human mind is hardened with unbelief*negativity.
                              They abandon YHVH*God by losing their confidence in the Spirit's ability to direct their lives.

Heb 4:6                Without courage*zeal or hope*positive attitude they are no longer apart of YHVH*God's House.

Gal 5:16               Their sinful nature*human instinct of self-gratification is opposed to YHVH*God's Spirit.

Col 3:5                 They do not put to death*abandon their earthly nature*human instincts.

Col 3:9                 They re-embrace there former ways of living.

Heb 10:26           They deliberately keep on sinning.

2Pe 2:19              A person is a slave to whatever has mastered them.

Ro 6:20                They return to being a slave to sin and are free from the control of righteousness*The Spirit.

1Th 5:19              Do not put out the Spirit's fire.

Heb 10:29           They have taken for granted the sacrifice of the Messiah and have insulted the Spirit of Mercy.

Jn 3:36                 Whoever rejects the Son*Messiah will never see life*eternal.

Mk 3:29                Whoever blasphemes against the Spirit will never be forgiven- he is guilty of an eternal sin.

Heb 6:4-6             It is impossible for those - who have once been enlightened - who have tasted the heavenly gift
                              who have shared in the Sacred Spirit of Unity - who have tasted the righteousness of the Word of YHVH*God
                              and the powers of the coming age - if they fall away*rebel, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss*shame
                              they are crucifying the son of YHVH*God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.

Heb 10:26-27     After receiving the knowledge of the Truth*Spirit - if we embrace sin again - their are no more sacrifice left for sin,
                             only a fearful expectation of judgment and a raging fire that will consume the enemies of YHVH*God.

2Pe 2 20-22       Those who have been called by YHVH*God in this life time and who are entangled in the corruption of this world
                             and are overcomed*conquered by it, are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning.
                             They would have been better off to not have been given the Spirit of Truth*mental understanding than to receive it with contemption.
                             Of those who commit the unpardonable sin the proverb is true.

Pr 26:11              As a dog returns to its vomit, so does a fool repeats his folly.

Ro 6:23               The wages of sin is death*eternal.

Heb 10:31           It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the Living YHVH*God.