A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


The Sabbath
"The Seventh Day"

Gen 2:2-3         YHVH*God blessed the seventh day and made it a sacred day of rest.

Isa 40:28           YHVH*God does not grow tired or needs to rest.

Mk 2:27             The Sabbath was created for mankind.
                           The Sabbath means to rest, to cease.

Eze 20:20         The Sabbath is a sign between mankind and YHVH*God.
                           This sign reflects our obedience to and reverence for YHVH*God.

Ex 20:1-17        The fourth of the ten commandments, the Sabbath is to be remembered*acknowledged
                           and it is to be keeped*guarded as a sacred day in remembrance of YHVH*God's symbolic act.
                           The first four commandments are about our relationship*conduct toward YHVH*God.
                           The latter six commandments are about our relationship*conduct toward mankind.

Jn 4:24              Those who worship YHVH*God must worship with and in the truth.

Ps 119:72         All of YHVH*God's commandments are righteous.

Jas 2:10            You break one commandment you break them all.

Mt 5:19              Those who teach against the Sabbath are only hurting themselves.

Col 2:16            Do not be discouraged by or allow someone to judge*condemn you for keeping YHVH*God's seventh day Sabbath.

Mt 19:17            If you want to enter life*eternal - you must obey the commandments.

Ps 103:2-5        The benefits of worshipping YHVH*God on the Sabbath are love and mercy, forgiveness of sins,
                            healings, many blessings and eternal life.

Mk 1:21             The Messiah observed the Sabbath. Also Mk6:2

Ac 17:2              Apostle Paul keeped the Sabbath.

Lev 23:3            The seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a sacred convocation.
                           Solemn means established / customary. Convocation means a calling together / an assemble of those called.

Isa 58:13           The Sabbath is a day of selflessness. Not seeking your own interests or following your own pursuits.

Ex 31:16            It is a day of celebration.

Lk 6:9                 A day of service and mercy towards others.

Heb 4:10            On the Sabbath day, we are to rest*cease from material or monetary gain.

Mt 5:17               The Messiah did not come to abolish the law.

Mt 23:2-3           The Messiah said we are to obey the teachers of the law for they sit in Moses' seat.

Ac 15:21            The Gentiles were told to attend the synagogues on the Sabbath to learn the laws of Moses.

Mt 5:20               Our righteousness*obedience to the law - must surpass that of the teachers of the law.

Jn 4:22               The Messiah says - that Salvation is from the Jews.

Jn 7:16               The Messiah's teachings are not his own but come from YHVH*God who sent him.

Tit 2:1                  Only consistent and sound doctrines are to be taught.

Jn 7:21-24          To make proper decisions pertaining to conduct on the Sabbath.

Mk 2:27               The Sabbath was made for mankinds benefit and not for laziness(man for the sabbath).

Mk 2:23-26         In some cases emergencies do happen.

Lk 6:5                  The son of man - this is the Messiah - is lord*master of*over the Sabbath. Exceptions are allowed.

Mt 12:5                The Temple Priest*Levites worked on the Sabbath and are not guilty of breaking the law.

Nu 18:21             The Levites were given compensation for their services at the Temple.
                             Those who perform essential services on the Sabbath are exceptions to the rules.

Jn 5:16-17          YHVH*God and the Messiah never cease to work.

Ac 18:4               Every Sabbath day is to be observed.

Lk 13:10-17        It is a day of healings and freedom from the restraints of everyday life.

Ex 31:16-17        It is a permanent covenant forever.

Heb 4:11             We must make every effort to enter*keep the Sabbath.