A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


Mother of Darkeness
“Queen Reayah”

Ancient scriptures and the Bible have been written in a biased way alienating Reayah’s contributions. She is not evil nor an outcast. Her attributes are not wrong or sinful. Her path or philosophy is misunderstood and a blessing to us. She is and will always be an intricate part of us and our nature. She is the guardian of darkness and mother of most angels and demons. She resides on the left side of the divine throne. Without her darkness the earth would not receive its rest and would wither under the brightness of the light. Humanity would not be shielded from the consequences of its mistakes. She hides one’s memories after death so that when one reincarnates again they have a fresh start and are given another chance unhindered by previous experiences. She is about progress and commonality.

We all share some of her character traits even though most would deny it. An example of the dark path or left hand path would be the act of withhold information from another. The term we have for this is called “having secrets.” This innocently done and in a harmless manner is an attribute that is a part of her nature which is instilled in all of us. To keep something hidden from another’s view or knowledge is to hide it or keep it out of the light. In other words it’s kept in the dark. How many people use the expression “it’s between you and me only.” If you keep secrets you are using the power of darkness. One who partakes of this power is not committing a sin or doing something wrong. Something’s are never meant to be exposed or viewed by everyone. Or how about the common used expression “it’s none of your business” which sums up the meaning behind the word privacy. In the light there are neither secrets nor privacy because everything is exposed to everybody.

.I can give more examples but this article is about shining light upon a subject that has been kept hidden until now. For I have been accounted worthy in Reayah’s eyes and been given information which I reveal to you today. In the first half of December 2012, I received communication from Reayah while in a state of mediumship. This was the first time I openly called upon her in prayer and meditation. She spoke these words after I asked her if she was responsible for all the suffering and crime being committed on earth. And she spoke saying “this is not me, this is not my doing.” Then she followed up with “what is being done on earth is not us.” Then she finished with “they (mortals) have taken our mistakes and carried it further (transformed it into evil).”

I originally knew her name to be “Ra” after I discovered that this word and “evil” were both Hebrew words used to describe wickedness. In time it was revealed to me that she was one of two Cherubs that exist in this universe. They have dominion over all that was created in this section of the cosmos. The Hebrew word Cherub means sword which is a symbol of authority and power. They both rule as queens in a system called a heterarchy with the one true God who is called “Yahh, The Father.”

In ancient Israel the God of the Jewish people commanded the prophet Moses to construct a wooden box with images of gold which represented the heavenly throne. And on this relic which is called the Ark of the Covenant, it has two Cherubs on opposite sides of an empty seat which signifies mercy. These Cherubs are the two paths or philosophies that converge into one at the feet of Yahh the Father who is the source of the invisible and visible. He-she (Yahh) creates everything through his Cherubs who are given stewardship. He-she’s golden rule is that everything must be established by a committee of two of more. There is no such thing as a dictatorship of one above all. So neither path can stand alone without the other nor can one Cherub have absolute rule by itself.

Reayah was also stigmatized by being given the name Satan which means adversary or one who opposes. But this is another distortion of the ignorant. Now a day everyone has been brainwashed into believing this Satan verses God mentality is the cause or blame for the ills of humanity. And this nonsense is driven by religious institutions that have a spiritual disconnect. The fact is that if one opposes another it does not always mean rebellion but an alternate way of doing things or just a different point of view.

So what happen in heaven where we have a book, the Bible, written in a way bias against an opposing ruler? The answer lies before us in the form of human error and a mysterious angelic fall. Reayah is not an angel but a higher spirit form so it was not her. Mistakes were made but mistakes are not a sin. She is not Lucifer who seeks the highest throne because she is already enthroned at the top in the divine heterarchy.

So why all this hate? Why are there no prophets in support of her rights as a queen? Who controls the belief that she is the guilty party? Yes, the institutions that have dominion over the vast majority of humanity. Where is Lucifer and his fallen rebel angels? You can figure it out for yourself, its obvious!