A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.



Malachiyah 1

1     These are the words of Yahovah that came to me, Malachiyah.

2     Yahovah declares; by my power and through my loving-kindness I will save the descendants of Yahisrael.

3     Yahovah declares; Yahkov (Jacob) loved his brother Esau but why did some of Esau’s descendants despise Yahkov’s        descendants when they were migrating through the desert?

4     The Dragon declares to Edom; O destroying mountain, you are mine. With you I shall shatter to pieces the Israelites when
        they return and rebuild.

5     Yahovah of hosts declares; from the beginning we have fought and it will be that way until the end. For I-Yahovah proclaim
       that the children of wickedness shall never dwell among my people.

6     Yahovah declares; you have magnified yourself with haughtiness and your people have invaded the territory I bestowed
       upon the children of Yahisrael.

7     Yahovah of hosts declares; do you or your children honor Yahh the Father? Do your servants honor Yahh the Father?
       I say they do not.

8     Yahovah declares; you have desecrated the altar and have offered the bread of oppression upon the Kings table.
       O Ra, why do you despise my words?

9     Yahovah of hosts declares; in your honor the blind, defenseless and the weak are sacrificed.

10   Yahovah of hosts declares; let us come together face to face before the hand of judgment of the “God of Mercy” (Yahh).

11   Yahovah of hosts declares; your hand (power) has blocked those who desire to enter the gates of heaven. You have
        hindered those who desire to offer that which is acceptable on the altar of mercy.

12   Yahovah of hosts declares; one day all the nations from the sunrise in the east to the sunset in the west shall gather on
        my great feast days. And the nations shall offer up an acceptable sacrifice which shall purify them.

13   Ra declares; we have not desecrated the altar nor have we polluted the table of bread and the swine’s flesh is not despised.

14   Ra declares; what do you have to offer that is better than the weak, lame and blind? Yahovah of hosts responds; he who
        stands by my right hand.

15   Yahovah declares; he is my only son. I offer him up as an atoning sacrifice so that the nations may purify themselves from         corruption.

16   Yahovah of hosts declares; he is the Adonayah (Yahshua), the King of kings and High priest of priests.