"Children of Disobedience"
The many are invited - The few are chosen.
Not all who claim to be servants of YHVH*God will be accepted.
Even of those who perform miracles, cast out demons or
those who prophesy in the Messiah's name.
They are self seekers who reject the truth.
They refuse to obey*disobedient to YHVH*God.
They have a stubborn and unrepentant mind.
They do not overcome their earthly sinful nature.
Those who sow to please their sinful nature reape destruction.
They know YHVH*God's righteous decrees
that those who commit such acts deserve punishment.
They are cowardly.
YHVH*God is not pleased with those who shrink back* have a lack of commitment.
They no longer serve YHVH*God, but seek the approval of others*Humanity.
They are weak willed people - who are loaded down with sins and are easily swayed.
Those who are weak willed - prostitute themselves.
They allow themselves to be taken captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy
which depends on human reasonings.
They prostitute themselves by embracing worldly reasonings- chosing to be an enemy of YHVH*God.
You can not indulge in two worlds.
You can not serve two masters.
A person is a slave to whatever has mastered*controls them.
Prostitution is defilement through actions and deeds.
Worldly wisdom is not from YHVH*God but from Satan.
Satan works in*controls the children of disobedience.
Those who unite with a prostitute become one with them.
YHVH*God shall destroy the children of Jezabel - those servants of YHVH*God who engage in prostitution.