A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


Jezabel's Prostitutes
"Children of Disobedience"

Mt 22:14            The many are invited - The few are chosen.

Mt 7:21-23        Not all who claim to be servants of YHVH*God will be accepted.
                           Even of those who perform miracles, cast out demons or
                           those who prophesy in the Messiah's name.

Ro 2:8               They are self seekers who reject the truth.

Eph 2:2             They refuse to obey*disobedient to YHVH*God.

Ro 2:5               They have a stubborn and unrepentant mind.

Col 3:5-6          They do not overcome their earthly sinful nature.

Gal 6:8              Those who sow to please their sinful nature reape destruction.

Ro 1:32             They know YHVH*God's righteous decrees
                           that those who commit such acts deserve punishment.

Mt 10:38            They are cowardly.

Heb 10:38          YHVH*God is not pleased with those who shrink back* have a lack of commitment.

Gal 1:10             They no longer serve YHVH*God, but seek the approval of others*Humanity.

2Ti 3:6                They are weak willed people - who are loaded down with sins and are easily swayed.

Eze 16:30          Those who are weak willed - prostitute themselves.

Col 2:8               They allow themselves to be taken captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy
                            which depends on human reasonings.

Jas 4:4               They prostitute themselves by embracing worldly reasonings- chosing to be an enemy of YHVH*God.

1Co 10:20-21   You can not indulge in two worlds.

Mt 6:24              You can not serve two masters.

2Pe 2:19           A person is a slave to whatever has mastered*controls them.

Ps 106:39         Prostitution is defilement through actions and deeds.

Jas 3:15            Worldly wisdom is not from YHVH*God but from Satan.

Eph 2:2              Satan works in*controls the children of disobedience.

1Co 6:16           Those who unite with a prostitute become one with them.

Rev 2:20-23      YHVH*God shall destroy the children of Jezabel - those servants of YHVH*God who engage in prostitution.