"The Prevailing Nature in Mankind"
Everyone's direction in life has been influenced by the controlling aspects* cravings of sinful nature*human instincts.
Mankind is born without Spiritual wisdom, knowledge and happiness*joy - These are granted by YHVH*God
to those servants who are pleasing*obedient.
The whole world is a prisoner of sin*human instinct.
Being human*unspiritual we were sold as slaves to sin through human instincts.
Adam and Eve acquired human instincts through the tree of the knowledge of good*obedience
and evil*rebellion. This tree imparts Choice.
Mankind is no different than the animals - both are influenced by a predetermined behavior pattern.
Through the disobedience of one man*Adam all are exposed to sin*human instinct.
Evil desire*human instinct is the motivating factor*catalyst for the existence of corruption in the world.
If anyone claims that they are without sin*human instinct, they have deceived themselves.
The law of sin is human instinct. This evil presence wages a relentless internal war of conquest.
Those who live according to the sinful nature*human instinct have their minds set on what that instinct desires.
Those who follow with willful obedience to their natural instinct*human instinct will be divisive towards others.
Human instinct causes one to be foolish, disobedient, deceived or living an existence of delusional thinking
and enslaved by all kinds of perverted passions and pleasures. A mind frame of malice hate and envy towards others.
Sinful nature*human instincts desires what is contrary to the Spirit*YHVH's.
There is no righteousness in human instinct.
The sinful mind -controlled by human instinct -is hostile to YHVH*God.
It*the mind controlled by human nature- does not submit to YHVH*God's way of life which is obedience to spiritual laws of happiness,
nor can it do so independently.
Earthly nature*human instinct attributes are sexual immorality*prostitution, impurity*lawlessness, lust*emptiness,
evil desire*corrupt thinking and greed*thievery which is idolatry.
Those controlled by sinful nature*human instinct can not please or fulfil the requirements needed to draw closer to YHVH*God.
Those who follow evil desires*human instinct are grumblers*complainers - never satisfied, unhappy and in a continual state of misery.
They find faults with everyone else except themselves, they make a spectacle of others to bolster their own egos.
In their self-centerness they use*take advantage of others by words of flattery.
Human instincts left unchecked creates a con-man attitude, hurting not only the one effected but everyone in whom
that person comes into contact with. They are slaves of depravity - for a person is a slave to whatever has mastered them.
Human understanding*knowledge through human instinct is equated with unreasoning animals of instinct.
This knowledge is destructive and prohibits long term happiness and stability.
Those with corrupt thinking caused by human instinct is reflected in their uncontrolled state of rebellion
towards those who have been given authority*responsibility over them.
The actions*conduct of sinful nature*human instinct is - sexual immorality*prostitution, impurity*lawlessness,
debauchery*foolish behavior, idolatry*material obsessions, witchcraft*a relationship with demons,
hatred*murder, discord*argumentative, jealousy*uncontentment, fits of rage*demon possession,
selfish ambition*domination, dissensions*disruptive, factions*divisive, envy*malice hate,
drunkenness*delusional, orgies*deceitful fellowship for self-satisfaction.
People who are divisive follow mere natural instincts*human instincts - they do not have YHVH*God's Spirit.
They enjoy and retain a life of anger*hate - which leads to murder, rage*uncontrolled hatred, malice*hidden contempt,
slander*false accusations and filthy language*preachers of deception.
Like brute beasts, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, like beasts they too will perish.
The wrath of YHVH*God is coming on those who have chosen human instinct to guide their destinations.
The mind of sinful man-those controlled by human instinct inherits death*eternal.