A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


Human Instincts
"The Prevailing Nature in Mankind"

Eph 2:3             Everyone's direction in life has been influenced by the controlling aspects* cravings of sinful nature*human instincts.

Ecc 2:26           Mankind is born without Spiritual wisdom, knowledge and happiness*joy - These are granted by YHVH*God
                           to those servants who are pleasing*obedient.

Gal 3:22            The whole world is a prisoner of sin*human instinct.

Ro 7:14             Being human*unspiritual we were sold as slaves to sin through human instincts.

Ge 3:1-7            Adam and Eve acquired human instincts through the tree of the knowledge of good*obedience
                           and evil*rebellion. This tree imparts Choice.

Ecc 3:18-21      Mankind is no different than the animals - both are influenced by a predetermined behavior pattern.

Ro 5:19             Through the disobedience of one man*Adam all are exposed to sin*human instinct.

2Pe 1:4             Evil desire*human instinct is the motivating factor*catalyst for the existence of corruption in the world.

1Jn 1:8              If anyone claims that they are without sin*human instinct, they have deceived themselves.

Ro 7:21-23       The law of sin is human instinct. This evil presence wages a relentless internal war of conquest.

Ro 8:5               Those who live according to the sinful nature*human instinct have their minds set on what that instinct desires.

Jude 1:18-19    Those who follow with willful obedience to their natural instinct*human instinct will be divisive towards others.

Tit 3:3                 Human instinct causes one to be foolish, disobedient, deceived or living an existence of delusional thinking
                            and enslaved by all kinds of perverted passions and pleasures. A mind frame of malice hate and envy towards others.

Gal 5:17            Sinful nature*human instincts desires what is contrary to the Spirit*YHVH's.

Ro 7:18             There is no righteousness in human instinct.

Ro 8:7               The sinful mind -controlled by human instinct -is hostile to YHVH*God.
                           It*the mind controlled by human nature- does not submit to YHVH*God's way of life which is obedience to spiritual laws of happiness,
                           nor can it do so independently.

Col 3:5              Earthly nature*human instinct attributes are sexual immorality*prostitution, impurity*lawlessness, lust*emptiness,
                           evil desire*corrupt thinking and greed*thievery which is idolatry.

Ro 8:8               Those controlled by sinful nature*human instinct can not please or fulfil the requirements needed to draw closer to YHVH*God.

Jude 1:16         Those who follow evil desires*human instinct are grumblers*complainers - never satisfied, unhappy and in a continual state of misery.
                           They find faults with everyone else except themselves, they make a spectacle of others to bolster their own egos.
                           In their self-centerness they use*take advantage of others by words of flattery.

2Pe 2:18-19     Human instincts left unchecked creates a con-man attitude, hurting not only the one effected but everyone in whom
                           that person comes into contact with. They are slaves of depravity - for a person is a slave to whatever has mastered them.

Jude 1:10         Human understanding*knowledge through human instinct is equated with unreasoning animals of instinct.
                          This knowledge is destructive and prohibits long term happiness and stability.

2Pe 2:10-11     Those with corrupt thinking caused by human instinct is reflected in their uncontrolled state of rebellion
                           towards those who have been given authority*responsibility over them.

Gal 5:19-21      The actions*conduct of sinful nature*human instinct is - sexual immorality*prostitution, impurity*lawlessness,
                           debauchery*foolish behavior, idolatry*material obsessions, witchcraft*a relationship with demons,
                           hatred*murder, discord*argumentative, jealousy*uncontentment, fits of rage*demon possession,
                           selfish ambition*domination, dissensions*disruptive, factions*divisive, envy*malice hate,
                           drunkenness*delusional, orgies*deceitful fellowship for self-satisfaction.

Jude 1:19         People who are divisive follow mere natural instincts*human instincts - they do not have YHVH*God's Spirit.

Col 3:8              They enjoy and retain a life of anger*hate - which leads to murder, rage*uncontrolled hatred, malice*hidden contempt,
                           slander*false accusations and filthy language*preachers of deception.

2Pe 2:12           Like brute beasts, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, like beasts they too will perish.

Col 3:6              The wrath of YHVH*God is coming on those who have chosen human instinct to guide their destinations.

Ro 8:6               The mind of sinful man-those controlled by human instinct inherits death*eternal.