"Satan’s Earthly Realm"
The Red Dragon is called Satan.
The Dragon is ruler of one third of the angels in heaven.
Satan, the Dragon, has a throne.
Satan’s earthly name is “Ra”. Her title is “Babylon the Great”. Ra is a Queen Mother with spiritual children (angelic) and earthly children (Cain’s descendents).
“Babylon” is a governing institution based on five principles, they are - #1 prostitution(idolatry), #2 greed (thievery), #3 lies(falsehood), #4 domination(oppression), #5 murder(lawlessness). These five principles are based on the influence of “The Five Demon Gods”.
The dragon’s earthly throne is located in a “great city” which has political and economic influence or control over other nations. This “great city” is the capital of a vast empire or alliance.
The Red Dragon has ten horns which are ten nations/peoples. It has seven heads which are seven succeeding empires or alliances. These alliances are centered in the Far-East Asia and extend to the Euphrates River.
Gog is the head of an alliance of ten nation/peoples. The first five are #1 Gog #2 Magog #3 Rosh #4 Meshech #5 Tubal – these five are North Korea/Goguryeo, China/Han Chinese, Mongolia, Manchuria, Tibet. The second group of five are #6 Persia #7 Cush #8 Phut #9 Gomer #10 Togarmah – these are Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jammu/Kashmir, Nepal/Gurkhas. The Gog Alliance is the Red Dragon of scriptures.
In the first prophecy of Gog, they yield swords.
The “Red Horse” is also “Gog-the Red Dragon” and the rider is “Babylon the Great” or Queen Ra who is called Satan. This rider yields a great sword and is the cause of global war.
This rider of the red horse is also Satan, who patrols/governs earth.
Satan is in heaven and attends the gatherings of the angels.
The first chariot had red horses, being first is symbolic of Satan’s authority. The color red is symbolic of the dragon.
Satan is one of the four winds/spirits of heaven.
Michael, who is the Messiah-Yahshua, overthrows Satan’s throne in heaven.
Satan, the Dragon, is banished to the earth.
The Messiah, Yahshua prophesied -“I seen Satan fall like lightning from the sky”.
The Dragon gives it’s earthly throne and power to the “First Beast”. This is Gog giving political, economic, and military support/authority to this resurrected “Roman Empire” also known as the EU.
The sixth Trumpet and the release of the four angels at the Euphrates River. Satan is one of these angels, and at this time Gog’s Alliance is occupying Iraq on the east bank of the Euphrates. This river is the dividing line of four great military alliances.
The Four Horsemen are “Russia and Gabriel”-“Gog and the Red Dragon”-“EU/False Prophet and Apollyon/Apsinthos”- “Egypt/Middle East and Lilith/Maveth”.
The sixth angel of YHVH, pours out the sixth bowl on the River Euphrates. This causes the river to dry up, paving the way for
Gog’s Army.
Gog’s army of two hundred million is unleashed.
The Battle of Armageddon is set in motion to fight against the return of the Messiah and the creation of an all new “Israeli Superpower” in the Middle East.
The first Beast with the False Prophet turn on the woman-Babylon the Great and defeats Gog’s military alliance.
Gog is defeated through treachery.
The Dragon is in restraint for a thousand years and Gog survives to fight another day.
The Dragon is released after a thousand years and Gog is again the center of his earthly realm. This is Gog’s last chance to wage global war for world supremacy.
The second prophecy of Gog is again their attempt to conquer Israel, but they fail again.
Gog is defeated and Satan-the Dragon, is thrown into the lake of fire forever.