Raphael destroys a sizable part of the inhabited earth in the “Great Flood Deluge.” He is an archangel of water and even if not named in scriptures he will always be the one responsible for events surrounding the use of water or its aftermath. |
Raphael is the messenger of YHVH who comforts Hagar in the desert by a well spring. He names her unborn son Ishmael and he gives a prophecy concerning her son’s importance in humanities future. |
The covenant of circumcision is first past down by Abraham on Ishmael and his Arabic descendants. |
Ishmael and Hagar are dying of thirst and Raphael saves them by creating a well in the middle of the desert. He blesses Ishmael’s Arabic descendants and makes a promise for their future protection and divine guidance which would one day lead to the sending of the Messenger Yahahmed (Prophet Mohammad). |
Raphael is one of the two angels who rescue Lot and his family from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. This event is a forerunner of the latter day event (“Place of Safety”) in which the worthy are rescued out of a dying humanity controlled by national governments acting like wild beasts pursuing global annihilation. |
The rescue of Abraham’s offspring through the in gathering (netting) done by fishermen. Fisherman is a key word referencing Raphael and his pre-angelic Islamic Imams. |
The Apostle Peter is a fisherman of humanity ordained by Yahshua. Peter is also a pre-angelic human who follows in Raphael’s footsteps. Also Mt 4:19. |
Through the power of the Archangel Raphael, Mosheyah was able to split the sea and escape Pharaoh and his army. Pharaoh was an archangel Maveth type who stubbornly refused to accept defeat but obstinately went into the dry bed after Mosheyah and Abraham’s descendants to only end up being swallowed whole by the incoming sea waves. Clearly Raphael is the god of water and Mosheyah his chosen foot soldier. |
The prophetic promise of a future prophet from Abraham’s offspring who will be sent from above in the likeness of the prophet Mosheyah. V19 He will reaffirm the law and clarify it. |
“All who keep Yahovah’s laws are of Abraham’s offspring.”(Vortex) |
The Apostle Peter is given charge of binding and loosening of the context of the law. He is a forerunner of the prophet Yahahmed (Raphael) who has one of the keys to heaven. For Yahahmed is a messenger of YHVH and a “Messyah” of humanity following Yahshua’s example of submission and martyrdom. |
A prophecy dealing with a future arrival of a Moses’ type and the importance of keeping Yahovah’s laws.
Acts 3:22-23 A new testament confirmation of a future Moses’ type who will come to give clarity to the law that was given to the prophet Mosheyah on Mount Horeb. |
This passage creates a perfect image of the new spiritual world order that will be ushered in by the Kingdom of Yahovah. In a vision seen by the apostles, Yahshua is standing side by side with Raphael (Mosheyah) and Gabriel (Elijah). |
Yahshua prays to Yahh the Father for him to send the other “Comforters” V18 so that humanity (those called) would not be without a guide. So from this scripture it is clear that Yahshua himself was a “Comforter” and a guide just like those who would come after him. |
When the “Comforters” arrive, they shall bear “Witness” of me (Yahshua). The question is how would they know him? Answer: they all existed with each other beforehand in heaven. |
The “Comforters” are sacred spirits (Archangels) from heaven |
Just as Yahshua’s disciples were with him from the beginning, so too were the “Comforters” with him in heaven before his coming on earth. These “Comforters” are his heavenly born brothers. Yahshua’s original name is Michael |
Yahshua must come first and ascend first because this is their (Archangels) order of birth and importance. Yahshua’s sacrifice was necessary because it gave the “Comforters” the right to challenge the power structure of the “Kosmokrators” or “Elowahh” in order to dethrone them and replace them as governors over humanity and the material universe. Question: why couldn't the “Comforters” just do this on their own? Answer: Queen Ra gave birth to them and so they became tainted through interaction with her and the other archangel Elowahh who are their heavenly siblings. But also they did not become corrupt like them because they withdrew from participating in their ways once they realized the error. Yahshua/Michael was never tainted by them nor was he complicit by interacting with them because he shunned them from the first inclination of their fall. |
The “Two Anointed Ones” are the Archangels Raphael and Gabriel who take the side of righteousness by supporting Michael and his Mother, Queen Yahovah. Through this act they are no longer “Elowahh” but “Elohiym.” |
The “Comforters” are the “Two Witnesses” and the “Two Trees” (fig/olive) who represent “Two Lampstands.” |
The seven stars are the seven Archangels whose fate rests in Yahh’s hand. But also the seven stars represent seven pre-angelic humans who are in Yahshua’s hand. They are guides to the seven churches in the latter days. |
“Seven Golden Lampstands” in a heavenly vision, V20 the seven lampstands and the seven stars are the seven Archangels who created and rule over seven earthly churches which are actually seven religions. |
The Archangel Raphael is one of the “Comforters” prophesied to come as a teacher and guide for humanity’s sake. He is one of the “Lampstands” which represents a major religion created from his own earthly ministry just as Yahshua accomplished in his day. As with Adam’s descendants through Abraham were blessed with the Archangel Michael coming as their human Messyah (Yahshua) so too was Abel’s descendants through Abraham blessed with their own “Comforter and Messyah.” His name is the Archangel Raphael and he came in the flesh. His earthly name is Yahahmed but he is better known to the world as the “Prophet Mohammad” and he created the Islamic faith. But just like Yahshua’s ministry was corrupted after his ascension by the traitor “Judas Iscariot” so too was Yahahmed’s by his supposed loyal disciple “Abu Bakr.” |
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun. |
Yahahmed (Prophet Mohammad) was betrayed by Abu Bakr just as Cain did to Abel. Later his daughter Fatimah would also suffer and die through his treacherous deeds. But later Yahahmed’s son-in-law Ali ibn Abi Talib would claim the rightful title to the First Caliph and heir of Islam. And Shia Islam would be projected as a counter balance to the Sunni faith which was infiltrated by the dark nemesis of the “Elowahh.” |
Yahovah states that anyone who does not listen to the prophet I send in Mosheyah’s image shall be removed (rejected). Also Acts 3:22-23. |
So with this last scripture in mind who can deny the Prophet Yahahmed’s Islamic message? Some may ask which Islamic group should I follow and believe? Just like the state of the heirs of Yahshua’s message this cannot be answered with a simple answer. Why? Because deception and fabrications have compromised all original faiths and sacred scriptures. What was handed down from above was not correctly written. Yahshua and Yahahmed personally did not leave any written documents so all we have is second hand accounts. Coupled with translators altering texts and religious scholars trying to attach their own doctrines for self-glorification purposes and we end up with books based on truth and error. But righteousness and salvation is based on an individual maintaining his or her relationship with Allahyah (Yahh/YHVH) and not on a group mentality. Yahahmed’s (Mohammad’s) message of submission, personal devotion and self-sacrifice is the guiding light for his adherences. Islam teaches this through obedience to the religious rule of YHVH’s laws and this can only be achieved with humility. Heaven truly awaits those who walk without compromise in the Archangel Raphael’s footprints. |