A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


Mark Halaway
By Edward M. Bartlett Jr.
Copyright 2022

At a distance a glance can take in information that is not always understood at the time. Reflection upon an event can amount to analytical facts but not the whole picture. Mentally one can absorb that which is projected from another. The reality of events sometimes takes a long time to comprehend. In the end the pieces of the puzzle come together that paints a scene in a way that one didn't expect. To resolve a mystery, one may come to a conclusion that expresses itself in closure, karma, or justice.

On May 2, 2009, at 3:33 pm I saw Mark Halaway from a distance standing by a tree. It was near the intersection of 23rd street and Fairmount Avenue which is in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At the time I was on a public transportation bus that runs thru this section of Philadelphia. I was facing east by a large window when he caught my eye. I hadn't seen him in a while because he moved to Kiev, Ukraine to start an IT/Web development company.

I first meet Mark in the late 1990's in a bar belonging to the Ukrainian League of Philadelphia. We called it Ukie bar for short. I have had a social membership since the early 1990's and it was a great place for drinking and shooting pool. I have meet a lot of people thru this venue and Mark was one that stood out. He was an overall a decent nice person with charm and a great sense of humor.

I remember one night when he was alone which was rare because he was very popular. He told me of his dream of creating and running his own business. A legacy to leave behind as a trophy of his motivation to succeed. And this was in the internet field which was just beginning to birth a new world for humanity.

As I was staring at him by the tree, I noticed he was looking in the direction of the minimarket that I formerly worked at. He swayed back and forth for a couple of seconds as if he was looking for someone. And he looked upset as though something was troubling him.

As the bus started to move forward and drive down the street he abruptly disappeared before my eyes. I thought maybe he disappeared behind the tree. Or maybe he knelt down to tie his shoe in which case the parked car would have blocked my view. Either way it was startling and mysterious.

This event or moment in time would stay in the back of my head for the next several years. I would always wonder what was wrong and who was he looking for? My inner voice would seem to say he was looking for me. But why and how could I help him. I did not have his number, nor did I know anyone close to him. All I knew at the time is that he lived far away in Europe.

As time turned into years, I looked forward to running into someone who could give me an answer. One day in October 2015 I received that opportunity. It came into my mind that night when I got done work early to make a return visit to the Ukie bar. The last several times I have been there since 2009 the bartender was someone I did not know. On this occasion the bartender was Steve who used to work behind the counter back in the 1990's and early 2000's. So I asked him about Mark Halaway and the answer I got was astonishing.

Mark I was told had been deceased since January 25th of 2009. He died within a year of being diagnosed with a fast-spreading cancer that was not treatable. At the time he was married and expecting his first child. I heard from Steve that it shocked everyone close to Mark. How could something like this happen to someone like him. A life cut short at 38 and at his prime.

Well for me, one word came to my mind after hearing this and it was "sinister." I believe foul play was involved. And through my metaphysical ability of scrying, it was confirmed by the spirit realm. I didn't fully believe in my special talents in 2009 but after 2013 I became fully aware. And finding out what had happened to Mark made the event of May 2, 2009, more clearer.

I have learned through experience that sometimes those from beyond have the ability to reach out. And whether it is for closure from family or resolution of a wrong, they must be heard and acknowledged. They seek out those attuned or better yet someone they had known prior with this ability. Many come forward stunned by death and say, "I am still here." They must be acknowledged so that they can move on.

What exactly happened to Mark at this time is still a mystery. But there is such a thing as weaponized cancer with a delivery system. It has been used by countries and companies to liquidate their enemies and opponents. You can do your own research and believe whatever you want. No one can deny a proven fact that biolabs do exist and are ever present at designing the next best weapon of choice for death thru stealth.

As with most mysteries, time and chance will have its reign until discoveries are made and evidence points us in the right direction. I believe "all things must be rectified" as it was told to me from beyond. And to this end we shall see.