A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


The Alien Invasion of the Scavours
By Edward M. Bartlett Jr.
Copyright 2023

Beware of angels in human form for they come and you know it not. When the earth is filled with the incorrigible and immorality rules unhindered, the Most High, Allah/Yahh provides a correction. This reset is a result of humanity's pursuit of chaos over order. A decree is set forth to the Host of Heaven and a divine avenger of blood or Goel is annointed. As it is stated in Numbers 35:19 and also with the destroying angel of Exodus 12:23.

Like the sun everything goes thru a cycle of growth and decline. And for every action there needs to be an equal or counter action for remedy or for reward. For we all have free will to make decisions based on our liking or thinking processes. Eventually if humanity does not correct its path the green light is given from above for an outside source to step in to rectify the sitiuation.

I had a dream as a child that stuck as a memory in my mind as a forwarning of a future event. It was a scene late at night without the presence of the moon. I seen a planet sized glowing orange disk on the southwest corner of the sky. Below this image were fighter jets heading towards strange space craft dashing over the distant horizon. I was on a grassy hill looking up at this spectacle wondering what this new world was about. As I grew older more pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place and now I can clearly expose the inevitable.

An ancient civilization is on its way to the planet earth. Their is no time line when they will arrive but they are long over due. They have been here before on numerous occassions in the past. When they come again they will follow the same format of gathering up the flesh and souls of the unworthy, worthless and incorrigible. They will harvest the resources of water, agriculture, live stock and the already mined gems and precious metals.

The Scavours are an advanced life form with the ability to mentally micromanage their internal processes. They do not have past life amnesia and have absolute controll over emotions, feelings, desirers and physical needs. A species with variants with millions of years of progressive physical and mental evolution that was divinely designed to perform a needed function.

The Scavours resemble an upright humanoid hybrid of various predator animal species. Their appearence reflects those of bears, wolfs, leopards, tigers, lions and jackals. They are lightning fast, fierce and most of all move in silence. They do not need body armor like humans nor heavy weapons. They communicate telepathically and move in unison and are highly invincible. They exist for the glory of conquest and to devour those deemed unrighteous by those above.

As a reference to biblical evidence for human animal hybrids you can look at Daniel 7: 4. In this verse it describes a lion with wings that was altered to stand upright like a man on two feet. And who are they? The Scavours are the demon workers of Geheena/Jahannam. They exist to serve a purpose set forth by the Grand Architech, who is Allah or Yahh. But before they act first someone must be sent from above before they are unleashed. As it states in the book of Revelations chapter 9 verses 1, I saw an angel fall from heaven to the earth and to him was given the key to the abyss.

If one has the ability to communicate with the dead and with the entities beyond, one can also interact with off planet life forms. To see thru another's eyes one must connect mentally and spiritual with that which is in another dimension or location. For that which wants to see your world thru your eyes, it will have to bond with you as one. And nothing is set in motion until an investigation is performed by a witness.

There exist a singularity of consciousness that goes unnoticed amongst the vast majority of humanity. And it connects the minds of many into a single thought process. Those with psychic ability can have a greater influence over the masses without them knowing it. For the vast majority of people live in an unconscious reality and are subject to subliminal influence, suggestibilty and hypnosis.

I believe I was sent into this physical world as a witness by the Most High, Yahh/Allah. To live amongst humanity and experience the results of their actions. And from my understanding of events to render judgement thru prayer to the Most High for resolution or blessing. Just like it was mentioned in the Bible in Revelations chapter 11, the Most High sends witnesses before judgement is sent. And you can also read in the book of Jonah of his similiar divine mission.

From the beginning of my childhood a memory of a prior existence permeated my consciousness. I remember it as the first event of my human existence. It was from a dream but it felt like reality. In it, I was standing in the back of a chariot pulled by multiple white horses that was travelling thru the clouds of a very blue sky. As I paused to look up for a moment, I decided and then I took a step forward. Next I was in the sky falling downward unto the earth. As I glided thru the air I looked up to see the chariot and horses disappear upwards into the clouds. I came down into a house and entered into the body of a small child laying in a bed. I am for I was and will be again.

I had a vision of those who escaped the judgement of the Scavours. It was a scene of sunshine over a harvested field with a splash of green shrubs here and there. In the field there were those that look like the Amish. They were scattered individually with farming equipment in hand. Their eyes were cast down as though not to look at those moving thru their midst. Then I seen the Scavours moving past them without harming anyone.

In the Bible the Scavours are mentioned in the book of Revelations chapter 13. They are one of the many beasts or destructive forces that appear in the latter days when chaos reigns over the earth. But they are alot different from the rest because they come from the abyss of outer space. Their main goal is the removal of the corrupt, the criminal and the zombified masses that follow the wind blindly. They are described in verse 2 of chapter 13 as resembling a leopard, bear and lion.

As with any ancient manuscript past down thru time you can't trust the whole story. Things change over time from the initial writtings. The scribes can manipulate books thru the rewriting of them because the materials that are used succumb to decay. And as time goes forward it is copied multiple times with more words added or deleted. To put one's faith and absolute belief in a religious text written by falliable humans is foolishness. As it is written in the book of Jeremiah 8:8 which states the obvious disclaimer about mind manipulation thru altered writtings. But in verse 7 it states one must use proper judgement and theral logic.

In the 13th chapter of Revelations it describes a world impacted by the rise of various global systems competing for dominion over humanity. Each human faction collectively acts as a tyrannical force like a wild animal in pursuit of its goal. They march forward destroying and enslaving the defenseless without regard to rational outcome or ethics. In the fog of war those awake must seperate themselves and avoid the entanglement that leads to eternal consequence.

In chapter 14 of Revelations verses 14 thru 20 it lays out the end result of the Scavour invasion. The harvest of the grapes which are a metaphor for humanity. Those with an internal spirit are those liken to a grape with a seed. They have a divine substance that gives them a moral outlook and they have the ability to achieve an eternal life. And those without a divine essence are akine to seedless grapes destin to be stomped into wine without an eternal existence.

Afterwards the earth will be given a new beginning. Before they move on they will clean up the polution and clear away the devastated landscape. All of the radiation will be absorbed and removed. The survivors will be given a way back to good health and longevity. The human life span will increase from a hundred years to many thousands. All things will be renewed and rectified. Civilization will grow again into the Eutopia it was meant to be.

In the end look for the orange sphere in the distant sky. They are there, they are patient, they are prepared, they are relentless and they will succeed. What you morally build inwardly and project outwardly will carry you safely into the future. Whether it is by choice in Heaven/Jannah or by involuntery karma in Hell/Jahannam, you are the end result of your own actions.