A Servant of Yhvh

revelations from YHVH*God.


Deciding Factor
By Edward M. Bartlett Jr.
Copyright 2018

Divine obedience has its rewards whether it is now or then. It is rooted in the notion that for every action taken an equal or greater counter action will follow. Everything in existence is based on the mathematics of logic and the critical thinking that is apart of its process. You can not build a tomorrow unless you earn the cooperation of those who will contribute to its existence today.

A pyramid is constructed from the bottom up but it must first be planned from the top down. Somethings take more time than others but in the end what matters the most is the results. Not every block designed to be apart of a structure results in a perfect fit. Some maintain structural integrity as others fail to meet their intended purpose. If it is of no value to the builder than it is pulverized to the point that it never was.

On July 25th 2013, I was following the unction of the paranormal world and led on a journey through the streets of South Philly. As I was walking south bound on 11th street near Washington Avenue I mentally heard two words. Every time I walked this route for the last couple of weeks I would receive the same message. I didn't know what it meant but on this particular day I decided to investigate.

The message was "deli & hiring." There is one deli on 11th street at Annin Street and so I decided to investigate it. As I was going through the door I heard an entity say "around the corner." So I approached the counter and asked if they were hiring. The counter woman said "not at this time" but the deli "around the corner" is hiring. At the time I didn't know its whereabouts but I pressed forward to find out what lies at the end of this mysterious paranormal communication.

As I turned the corner of 11th street and turned on to Federal Street I seen it midway up the block. It is located on the corner of a small street called Alder and it is called "Chickie's Italian Deli." As I approached the door I seen a big sign saying "we are hiring." Well I filled out an application and was told someone would call me which they did later that day.

As I was walking out the door I got a vision from a paranormal source. The scene was of an older man with an anxious look on his face. He was pacing back and forth inside the store. He would stop at the door to stare out and then go back to pacing. It was a weird message but there is always some deep meaning to these relayed messages.

On July 29th 2013 I went on an interview at this deli and spoke to a woman named Susan. She was very pleasant and the conversation flowed nicely. After twenty minutes the owner showed up and the atmosphere changed. He was very standoffish and had a stern demeanor. He said to me that he lets everybody know that "he's in charge" and that no one else has "an opinion." In the conversation he tried to scare me off by low balling the hourly rate to $7 an hour. He also made a sly comment that workers are a "dime a dozen." Then he snapped at me very sarcastically and asked "do you want the job?" To his surprise I said "yes" and at that he walked away with a red face. Susan on her part apologized to me for his demeanor and said she would get back to me.

Well a couple days later Susan called up and told me that the owner didn't want to hire me. I responded back to her that it was "okay" and then I thanked her for being polite. I didn't expect to be hired because I already knew this event was about judgement and the laying of curses. It is common for me to experience an event where the "spirit realm" arranges a test or trial. They set people or businesses before me for the sole reason of judgement and the choice of an aftermath.

The "Entities" want me to be a "deciding factor" in rendering a decision. Whether it be a blessing for those who deserve it or a curse for those who are obviously guilty. I understand that I must be present to witness an event in order for karma to be manifested. What I project in my analyzation of the event is what facilitates the rolling nature of karma's ball.

On 12-22-2014, I felt the presence of a familiar Entity as I was turning onto 11th Street from South Street. I hadn't received anything else on the deli event up until this point. So I asked it "who was with me when I applied to the deli off of 11th and Federal street?" I mentally heard the Entity say "Sylvia." I believe something was about to happen and that today's occurrence was a signal for me to keep an eye out for its conclusion
On April 22 2015, I was walking past this deli and found it to be closed. The sign on the door thanked its customers for their many years of patronage. I decided to do an internet search at which I found that the deli was in business for 21 years. The article also stated that the owner was forced to put the property on the market due to divorce proceedings. It went up on the market January 7th of 2014 and the asking price was $750,000. It was sold for $500,000 sometime before the stores last day of business on April 11th of 2015. Karma can kiss but it's not afraid to bite.

It is amazing that some people are given opportunity and they fail themselves through selfishness and the pursuit of ego. They project a self injuring superiority that spreads negative vibrations where ever they reside. In the end the frequency is corrected and normalcy is resurrected to fill the void. A fog may be visible but in the end it always dissipates.